Boost Your Website Traffic: 10 Sweet Content Marketing Tips | AltusHost

Boost Your Website Traffic: 10 Sweet Content Marketing Tips

Boost Your Website Traffic: 10 Sweet Content Marketing Tips

Altus Host

Nowadays, the secret every business owner knows is: Content marketing.

With great content, you can build your brand’s online reputation.

Have you ever wondered what was the most important element of content marketing?

It’s the website. It has to be fast, good-looking, and powerful. It needs to invite the potential customers to take action and make the purchase.

If you want more sales, you need more traffic. If you want more traffic, you need a better approach to content marketing. Do you see the connection?

How exactly do you direct your content marketing strategy towards the goal of getting more traffic? That’s what we’re here for today.

Your Way to Improved Traffic


1. It’s Not All about the Quality

Brian Dean, the person behind Backlinko, struggled for years before making a website successful. He started by publishing high-quality content in the nutrition niche. He cited research studies and made sure to deliver value to the readers.

There was a problem: no one cared. He was not publishing the right content; the kind that readers would care about.

What’s the right kind of content, you might ask?

What do people search for on Google?

What’s the most popular content for the keywords you aim for?

What kind of content gets comments, likes, and shares?

When you take these answers as the foundation for providing high-quality content, you’ll be on the right track.  

2. Host Webinars

Why do people use the Internet so much? This would be the answer of many: “for fun.”

Learning, however, is also an important reason for people to hit Google. If you meet people’s need to learn through fun and effective webinars, you’ll be on the right track.

Send out emails at least a week ahead, so your subscribers will sign up and plan their time.

You should also archive that content for later viewing, since some of the recipients will be busy at the scheduled time.

Don’t forget about social media promotion.

3. Contribute to Influential Websites

More content. This time, it won’t be for your own website.

When you contribute high-quality content to other sites that have gained authority in a relevant niche, you’ll drive many visitors your way.

It’s not easy to become a featured contributor to top-notch websites, though. You’ll have to start small and work your way up. In other words – you’ll be writing content every single day. That can be a problem for a business owner. If you can’t invest that much time and effort into writing, you can always rely on a writing service like Australianwritings.

4. Invest in Paid Advertising

You may be writing the best content in your niche. You may use all the right keywords and write on topics your audience is interested in. Will that be enough? Not quite.

The promotional steps you make are crucial. If this is a new business, it’s important to invest in paid advertising on Facebook, Google, Twitter, and other channels.

The best thing about paid online advertising is focus. Your ads will be seen by people who are interested in the products or services you deliver.

5. Get Inspired by Influencers

When you want to see what your audience is interested in, you clearly check out the stuff influencers are writing about. You observe their style, but you’re mostly interested in the topics they cover.

Get inspired by those topics! Do not copy them, though. Find your own twist and deliver something different to the same audience. Offer new solutions to the same questions and issues, and make your content easier to read. That’s always a bonus.

6. Videos!

Text-based content is still important. That’s how you infuse all the right keywords and attract traffic via search engine.

However, it shouldn’t be the only type of content you’re publishing. Video is a valuable addition that will make the website more engaging. One study showed that 3 days after watching a visual and verbal presentation, people remembered 65% of the information. They were able to recall only 10% of a lesson they read.

Videos are a great way to grab attention, especially on social media.


7. Improve Your Email Marketing Approach

Newsletters are awesome for driving traffic towards your website. Make sure to elevate your email marketing campaign. How do you do that?

Make a special offer for people who subscribe. It may be a free eBook, a promise for special offers, or valuable content they will get on regular basis.

The email newsletters have to be great. You need to feature high-quality content and make it visually-intriguing. Needless to say, these newsletters need a call to action, since you want the recipients to visit your site.

Automate these emails! You can use a tool like Mailerlite, MailChimp, Hatchbuck to do that.  

8. Try Podcasting

We made it clear: textual content is important, but it’s not the most engaging kind of content for most users of the web. They are looking for something they can see and hear.

Images and videos are already a standard in content marketing, but here’s another type of content you can use: podcasts!

Busy people like listening to podcast when they’re driving or working out. This kind of multitasking allows them to achieve few goals at the same time. If you can turn some of your content into a podcast, that would be great.

9. Make the Content Shareable

When you create content that gets tons of shares, you’re not the only one promoting it. You’re getting audience-driven promotion.

How do you create shareable content? Well, people like to share things that make them look good. If the content is funny, smart, shocking, or unusual in any other way, they will share it.

Don’t forget to add the call to sharing action at the end of your post.

Feature sharing buttons for every piece of content at your site. It’s important to make it easy for the visitors to spread the message.

10. Feature Internal Links

Getting backlinks is important. That’s how you get audience from other websites. You’re getting those backlinks through guest posting, and some bloggers feature your links in their posts just because you give high-quality content that’s worthy of a link.

Internal links are just as important. When a visitor lands at your site for a particular piece of content, you want to keep them there for as long as possible. Link to your products or services, and other content they might be interested in. Don’t go overboard with the links, though; that may lead to a counter-effect.

There you have them – the 10 simple, but important content marketing tips that lead to website traffic boosting. Every business owner can benefit from those actions. Where will you start?Jessica Freeman is a blogger and freelance writer from Sydney, Australia. She enjoys covering various topics, from education and technology to motivation and productivity. Check out her new post about freelance writing. Follow Jessica on Google+ and Twitter.

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