Email Newsletter: The Ultimate Guide For SME’s | AltusHost

Email Newsletter: The Ultimate Guide For SME’s

Email Newsletter: The Ultimate Guide For SME’s

  • Category : Marketing
  • Posted on : Oct 17, 2017
  • By : Natasa Kilibarda
Altus Host

You’ve probably received more than 50 emails filled with info or promotions from many companies just in the last 24 hours.

And yes, maybe you don’t even remember, but at some point, you have probably voluntarily subscribed to some sort of newsletter.

While online shopping or surfing through a particular website? Maybe to enter a giveaway or to get a special offer? Or just because you’re simply interested in knowing more about company’s services?

Now, let’s imagine this picture.

You have a (online or offline) business and you suddenly realize that you have never considered sending newsletters to your clients.

And, why exactly is that?

It could be the case that you have also received a lot of emails that have nothing to do with you, that you, reasonably, doubt you ever 

subscribed to, awfully irritating, and you think… why would I ever do the that to my clients?

Let me tell you an encouraging thing or two.

There is a way of contacting your customers without annoying them and, furthermore — what really counts — engaging them. Email marketing is back in vogue, and has proved to be a super useful way of making contact with customers. Creating the perfect newsletter is possible, and nowadays, with mailing apps that offer amazing email newsletter templates it’s easier than ever.

Hold on! Let’s start from the exact beginning!

What is a newsletter?

A newsletter is basically a document containing information that is sent periodically to a number of clients that have actually agreed to this.

And now we have it, the first important fact about newsletters: it is not spam!

Spam is actually something companies misuse to send us without asking for our permission, and that is why it’s so annoying. We are most likely not interested in what we receive because we never agreed to receive it, and it’s very frustrating because it fills our inbox, 9/10 times, with some pretty useless content.

Why should I use one?

It has so many advantages so that we honestly don’t know where to start! Sending emails has never really gone out of 

style because it’s simple, easy and cheap. Now, with email marketing strategy and newsletter campaigns we will add that it’s also incredibly efficient.

One of its first and main advantages, and one of the things that differentiates newsletter from spam, is that it allows you to send personalized emails. Receiving an email that addresses you by your name and sends you content you’re actually interested in is not the same as receiving spam!

The fact that you send quality content to your subscribers (because remember, they have to be subscribed) fosters their loyalty towards your business. You can send them stuff you know they will be happy to read: tips and tricks, info about your services or products, tutorials, discount codes and offers like free shipping, giveaway opportunities… things you would be glad to found in your inbox as well!

This type of communication engages your subscribers and creates a positive atmosphere between your company and them. When they have a nice image of you and they have exclusive privileges such as discounts, they are more likely to become not only subscribers, but loyal clients. Email marketing generates great conversion rates, as it gives subscribers many reasons to actually purchase the product or service.

We’ve mentioned it before; it’s super easy! Sending an email has always been easy, but sending thousands of emails to thousands of contacts can seem a bit overwhelming; so now, we have the amazing mailing apps.

They allow us to design our perfect newsletter without knowing anything about design, because they offer countless email newsletter templates that we can retouch the way we want, so they meet our standards.

Finally, apart from being super easy to design, newsletters save us time and money. Creating an email account is free, that’s should be a pretty known fact to us all, but as we’ve said before, when sending campaigns to thousands of clients, we should use a professional mailing app. Most of them are pretty inexpensive, so you’ll just have to invest a little amount of money.

Moreover, email marketing offers a ROI (return of investment) of 4300%; what this means is that, for every euro invested, we will receive 43; this is awesome!

The Key: mailing apps and email newsletter templates

Once it’s clear that we must send quality content in order to not annoy our subscribers, the next step is the format. Generally, the problems come at this point, where people end up sending messy campaigns because they are not graphic designers.

People sometimes don’t know what a newsletter must include (for example, the mandatory unsubscribe button), or finally figure out a design and successfully send it to a desktop, but when the client checks his email on his smartphone, the format has completely changed and looks awful (if it’s still understandable!).

Mailing apps make sure that you include everything that must be included, and most of them have a responsive format so the campaign looks the same in a smartphone.

1. App as your personal designer

They do not only avoid these problems; we must insist that you take a look at some mailing apps mostly because, as we mentioned above, they offer amazing email newsletter templates that you can adapt to your business and change as you wish. They do not offer only e-commerce newsletter templates, but also transactional ones, event related ones…

2. Personalize it

This makes everything so quick and easy, and the templates can be personalised so they address all of your subscribers by their name. They take into account your preferences and your business’ characteristics so you don’t have to worry about anything; creating your email newsletter template will be as simple as abc.

3. Some extra help with the other apps

This is not the only advantage they offer; some mailing apps include many tools, such as Google Analytics so you can track your success, WordPress so you can directly share your data, API so you can manage your contact list… they generally will take care of your agenda by deleting repeated contacts, automatically correcting any misspelled email address, etc.

4. Everything will be under control

Once you have chosen a mailing app and created a beautiful email newsletter template, it is time to send your campaigns. Rememb

er to always offer your subscribers some quality content that adds value to your newsletter and that can be useful for them.

5. Spice it up and Engage!

Finally, we want to give you some ideas to further engage your subscribers. Do you know that there are also seasonal newsletter templates so you can wish your (hopefully) clients a Happy Halloween, a Merry Christmas and even a Happy birthday? Doing so and sending over some special offer for those special days can have awesome results!

Moreover, offline events are also a great idea, because you get to personally know your subscribers. You can also use email newsletter templates to invite them, offering them to bring a friend to the event you are organizing; this may be a good way of gaining new clients!

6. Get started!

Now that you have all the tips and tricks needed… it’s time for you to step on and join the email marketing world! Let us know in the comments down below if you put these ideas to the test and if they made you succeed – we’re sure they will!

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