Photography: How to Self-Promote Your Work | AltusHost

Photography: How to Self-Promote Your Work

Photography: How to Self-Promote Your Work

  • Category : Marketing
  • Posted on : Feb 12, 2016
  • By : AltusHost
Altus Host

Photographers who have big plans for their future should realize the actual importance of promoting their work.

The most essential is, of course, the quality of your work, but if you want to make it among all the successful photographers out there, you should invest some time into learning how to self-promote.

The beginning of your career can be quite tough and things might not run as smoothly as you may expect. If you are determined enough, you can achieve the success you are striving for.

Advertising is crucial for any kind of business nowadays, so you should consider some ways of effectively promoting your business.

Online Promotion


The easiest way to make your work available to a great number of viewers is to promote it online. You can do that by making your own photography website, for which you will need a host to provide you with quality service.

There are more than one billion people using the internet, and among them, there must be someone who is going to be interested in your work and who would consider it special.

If you think that you’ve got what it takes and that your photographs are good enough, then you shouldn’t wait a minute longer – make your own online portfolio right now.

The tricky part with online promotion is managing to successfully promote your work, that is, to make your work known among all the other photographers. In order to accomplish this, you need to be very persistent and to cover all the possible ways of online promotion.

Making your personal website for your photography business is very useful in online promotion, but it can be quite expensive if you want to make it look really good.

So, maybe the best option for you is to rely on some less expensive promotional methods in the beginning, and later on, you can work on developing your own website.

For making a quality website, you need to find a good hosting company that can provide you with the best service possible. If you think you can handle this, financially speaking, you should go for it immediately.

You can also think about starting a photo blog, which can help you attract more viewers to your website and expose them to your photography. You can easily promote your business on your blog and attract many potential customers.

  • Achieve Widespread Effects

There is a multitude of social networks where you can promote your photography business for free. All you need to do is make your profile and start uploading your content. Sites such as 500px or Flickr are especially suitable for all new photographers who want their work to catch on.

You better stay present and keep posting on your Twitter account or Facebook, and even upload videos on YouTube. The bottom line: you need to do whatever is in your power to make people notice you and your work.

Attend Photography Conferences


Why is attending photography conferences important, apart from seeing all the technological improvements related to photography and interesting work of other artists that could motivate you?

You can meet many people that you can collaborate with or even find some potential customers. These and similar photographers’ gatherings are very important for promoting your work.

You are also able to seek advice from some experienced professional photographers who might help your career flourish.

It’s best to have some sort of promotional material with you when attending such events. It is in your interest to make people remember you – and there is no better way than to give them something that contains your name and contact info.

  • Promotional Material

What can always come in handy if you are trying to be known is promotional material. People immediately relate this to spending tons of money, but that need not be the case here. You can create some promotional material on your own.

Design your own business card with your name, contact info and your logo, if you have one (you should have one!). Perhaps it is a good idea to use one of your photographs or part of it as a background of your business card.



Making a presentational exhibition is a must if you are new to photography. People like to attend such events, and it will be an amazing opportunity to present your work and services to many potential clients.

Spread the word about your exhibit and invite as many people as you can. There are certain things you need to take care of when exhibiting your work, such as the following:

– Choose to present the photographs you are proud of

– Find a good quality printing and good framing

– Find a good venue on a good location

– Take care of the lighting

You must think of the people who are interested in photography, but couldn’t attend your exhibition due to some obligations or other reasons. An excellent solution is creating a 360 virtual tour of your exhibition. There are outsourcing companies that offer such services and that can be extremely helpful for expanding your business.

The photography business is a good career choice nowadays and you can easily succeed by simply following these tips we have provided you with. Remember that marketing is extremely important for every business and consider using every kind of promotional tactic available to you, to help your business become successful.


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