AltusHost | AltusHost - Part 27

All posts by AltusHost

The author is highly qualified and writes blog posts weekly.

How I Made a Career in Marketing by Telling Stories

One of the most important things in business today is how you communicate your message with the world.

Every business out there who has a website is looking for two things: traffic and conversions.

If you want to succeed in this highly competitive world, you need to know how to get people to visit your website, get familiar with your company, emotionally connect with your brand and eventually make a sale.

One of the best ways on how you could do that is by telling compelling and engaging stories about your brand, products and services.

Storytelling is definitely one of the more powerful tricks you can find in every successful marketer’s bag of tricks. Why? – Well, because storytelling provides context. It conveys messages, purpose and emotion as well.
Like Jonathan Gottschall, a very famous marketer, once said: “A story is a trick for sneaking a message into the fortified citadel of a human mind.


Storytelling has always been a part of us. It’s what connects us to our past, present and future. It’s just something that helps us relate.

Since the moment people developed communicational skills, we started telling stories.

Fiction or nonfiction, there’s no substitute for a good story. We all enjoy a solid story, whether it’s a novel, a movie, a powerful sales pitch, an intelligent and funny marketing campaign or simply something one of our friends is explaining to us.

The only trick is to figure out what tone, style and narrative works for what kind of audience.

Back in the day, it was historically important to tell stories because they carried what could have been life-saving information and explanations to things that were, at that time, unexplainable. Like, for instance: gravity, stars, current, The Moon and such.

Now a days, we mostly use stories to entertain us and connect us to different human beings. We use them to relive other people’s experiences in our heads, reimagine ourselves as someone or something else, endow morals and principles to other folks, express emotions, entice, provoke, distract, and help us learn.

But, next to this, there are also people out there who make a living from creating and selling stories that have the ability to grab people’s attention and make them fall in love with a certain brand.

Luckily for me, I’m one of them.


I really enjoy telling stories. Like any other human, I have a set of stories for various occasions that I use for a wide variety of reasons. First and foremost of all, I just love when I see people fully invest themselves in hearing what I have to say. It makes me feel important and it validates my belief in myself as a good storyteller.

The second reason why I create and tell stories is to communicate certain value and provoke emotions. Humans are emotional creatures and they tend to value certain projects, relationships, situations, services and products based on how they feel about them.

As a marketer who has a rich background in copywriting and content management, I’m no stranger to using storytelling as a tool to help me get my targeted audience to digest certain information I needed them to on a more emotional level.

Storytelling has always helped me create loving and lasting relationship between brands and desired audiences. How? – By giving these brands certain voices that communicate with people on daily, weekly and monthly basis.


Every good story must have the following elements:

A big, juicy, solid & shiny hook – Same like fishing, in order to catch your prey’s attention, you need to lure it with an attractive bait. If asked how does one get people to read their stories, almost every experienced writer would reply: “By writing killer headlines.”

Like in almost every other aspect of life, first impression means everything. It doesn’t matter if you’re telling or writing your story, how you “introduce” it to people will play a crucial part in its success.

That’s why, when it comes to telling their stories, most people back their content with interesting graphics, effects, teasers, taglines and all sorts of other promotional tricks that only briefly introduce what to expect for a certain tale.

A strong voice – it doesn’t matter if you tell your story in a written or verbal form, the tone of your voice needs to be clear, interesting and engaging. You, as the narrator of your own story,must have a trustworthy voice that when I read the tale, I feel like they have experienced something important that they want to share with me.

Part of what is required for me to be consider a certain author as trustworthy is the ability to provide vivid details and an interesting conversational tone.

To grab my attention, a certain storyteller need to know how to distribute his story, in a compelling manner.  He must have control of his narrative, he must not waste my time with unimportant elements or let his “delivery” become long and boring.

If you want people to look at you as a good storyteller, you need to master what you’re preaching about, with whom you’re conversing,  and what kind of tone and style will help you instantly form a connection with your targeted audience and make them register you as a trusted source.

For an example, if you’re addressing a younger crowd, it’s highly recommendable that you use a lot of slang in your story. Also, you should think about if your anecdotes will work with that specific crowd.

Use first-person narrative – For those are not familiar with the term, a first-person narrative is type of storytelling where you tell your story from the first-person perspective. It means that the viewpoint of a character writing or speaking is directly about themselves. MOZ, one of the more popular blogs that writes about SEO, SM and Inbound Marketing uses this type of narrative, and as far as I can see, they had some real success with it.

To get people to relate with your story, you need to offer them something more than just hard facts. They need to get to know you as person, to see who you’re, what you do, what are your strengths, and what are weaknesses. Only then will they form an emotional connection with your content.

Get your facts straight – This is very important. Never talk about something that you aren’t 100% sure about. If people figure out that your “facts” are not really facts, you’ll instantly lose all credibility. So, before you decide to go public with something, make sure that you know what you’re talking about.

Take your audience on a journey from point A to point B – The stories that people best engage with are the ones that promise certain value at the end of the road. “Lose weight in 30 days by doing these exercises”, “Learn how to build your website from scratch”, “Attend this course and become a fully certified digital marketing specialist”,“Order a pizza in 3 easy steps”, “Learn how to be better at your job” – these are just some of the more common examples that illustrate what I’m talking here about.

At one point, every single one of has read or listened to one of these stories searching for that instant knowledge, or just a promise that, upon completion, we’ll have something to show for our investment.

Make your story relatable – It’s true, people best click with stories that they can actually relate to. Many of us have never fought in war, nor did we ever win a Super Bowl, or battled super intelligent monkeys that are trying to exterminate our race. But, contrary to those situations, every single one of has experienced difficulties in finding the easiest solutions for some of our everyday troubles.That’s why most successful businesses in their advertisements are constantly trying to point out problems that their products and services solve.

Define the importance of the topic — If your audience doesn’t think the idea that you’re “selling” is important to you, then why should it be important to them? Now, I don’t mean that you should come in at the beginning of your piece with a paragraph that states how you love what you do, but yes, your audience should acknowledge that you’re passionate about your work, and that you believe in what you’re preaching about.


So, to underline what I wrote here:

A true art of storytelling, especially in business purposes, is finding a narrative and tone that will really work with your potential clientele on a personal level. Without that kind of connection, no matter how well researched, well constructed or how interesting – your story has no real value.

That’s why is more than important to do your homework well, and figure out whom you’re addressing, what makes your audience laugh, cry, and jump on board with certain ideas.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope you liked what I wrote here.
Remember to share this content with your friends and colleagues. Who knows, maybe some of them could really benefit from this type of material.

That’s it for now.
See you soon again,

Have a great day,
Goran @ AltusHost B.V.

Don’t Forget to Shine Your Shoes: Presentation is Everything

In the world of marketing, “presentation” means far more than just a powerpoint document. It’s usually used to describe any type of promotional action that represents your brand, what it stands for, and what kind of benefits does it offer to its potential clientele.

The purpose of creating such “presentations” is to distribute your brand’s or personal message to specific groups of people and get them to engage with whatever is that you’re selling or promoting.

Last week I was at this one startup conference where I watched a lot of young entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a group of investors and business development experts.

A lot of teams were quite good, but it really felt like they were all preaching the same story. To me, all of their pitches seemed like they were created by the same person. They lacked depth, originality, intimacy and personality.


But then, out of the blue, one guy came up to the stage and blew my mind. To be honest, his product was mediocre at best, no better than any other that was pitched that day, but his performance was outstanding. His gesture, the tone of his voice, stage presence, movement, the anecdotes he included in his speech, the benefits he presented, the angle he used to get us to care about his agenda, the graphics behind him, the feel of his brand – everything was so unusual, and yet so perfect. His pitch was different, he stood out of the crowd, and that’s why he got everyone’s attention.

It goes without saying that he reached his goal and got the necessary funds to make his dream become reality.


This particular outcome raised a lot of question in my head. It got me thinking: Is presentation actually more important than the quality of the product you’re trying to sell? Could a good presentation really make a difference in one company’s success?

The short answer is yes!

Having a quality product or service doesn’t mean much if you don’t know how to make it interesting to your targeted audiences.

Spamming them with generic ads and overused materials isn’t really gonna cut it anymore. You need to be constantly fresh and innovative with your marketing if you’re interested in grabbing the attention of your potential clientele.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re selling, you always have to look for new ways on how to better communicate your message with the world so that more and more people will jump on board with your idea, and eventually purchase your products or services.

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If You’re Not Willing to Put in an Extra Effort, Your Competition Is

The competition is just too high these days. There’s no place on the market for those who don’t constantly evolve and better themselves, especially in such industries as web hosting and digital marketing. We’re are all constantly going head to head with each other for our targeted audiences’ attention.

Why? – Because there are so many sharks out there, and so little prey in the water.If we don’t continue to push our boundaries and redefine our old methods, we probably won’t survive. If we want to secure our existence, we need to be constantly one step in front of our competition.

This is why most companies spend a lot more money on marketing, than on product development.

Working for quite some time in this web hosting industry, I’ve seen a lot of companies close up shop faster than you can say dedicated servers.

Why? – Well, because their marketing solely relies on coupons and discounts.

What’s wrong with that? – Everything. By going for such ancient promotional methods, they’re commoditizing their brand. They’re reducing their company’s voice to nothing more than prices, and it’s hurting them badly.

Why? – Because there’s nothing special in that. That kind of strategy won’t make them memorable, nor will it help them gain more customers.

They have to pay their customers to acknowledge their business, and that just ain’t right.

Wouldn’t it be nice if people were actually interested in your brand? Wouldn’t it be great if they all, by themselves, every once in a while came around to see what’s new with your business and if you’ve got anything else to offer them?

Go Big, or Go Home – Be Ahead of the Curve, Be Willing to Innovate

Every time this subject comes up, I’m reminded how the guys at Domino’s pizza made their fortune.

Domino’s, a multi-million dollar chain of pizza restaurants, began in 1960 with a $500 investment by two brothers in a Ypsilanti, Michigan, pizza parlor called DomiNick’s. From those humble origins the company has grown into an international chain, now operating thousands of outlets in more than fifty countries.

How? – Well, during its formative years, one of the ways Domino’s sought to increase its market share among the U.S. pizza-buying public was to offer a guarantee on the speed of its delivery, thereby enticing consumers to order from Domino’s in preference to one of its many competitors. That guarantee, which began in 1979, was “30 minutes or it’s free.” Under that policy, customers won either way: They received pizzas that arrived within a half-hour of ordering, assuring them of hot, fresh product for their money, or they received pizzas that might not have been as hot or as fresh, but without charge.

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This kind of outside of the box thinking presented the brothers’ business as reliable, professional, and far more memorable than any other who was at that time operating in that same line of work.

Walk a Mile In Your Client’s Shoes

I have always admired business owners who managed to humanize their brands. That’s why before launching a certain campaign, I always ask myself the following questions:

  • Would I go for this kind of service/product?
  • What makes my campaign different?
  • Am I offering any real value to my potential clientele with this deal?
  • Will this help me raise my brand awareness?

For me, the key to creating successful campaigns and business presentations lies in thinking from a client’s perspective. Unlike many of my colleagues, I’m not interested in promoting project, services or campaigns I personally don’t love. It just feels unnatural.

How can I persuade someone to see some real value in a certain project/service or product if I don’t really believe in it, in the first place?


Before you start to spend insane amounts of money on big and expensive advertising real estate, sit down and honestly think about if you really got something worth promoting? Is your campaign in any way providing people with something new, something interesting, and above all, something actually worth paying for?

If not, burn your plans down to the ground, and start fresh again. Remember, presentation is everything these days. How you distribute your message and your values could make or break your company. That why it’s so important to always do what you believe in, and have the confidence innovate.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my latest post. If you liked what I wrote here, please remember to share this content with your friends and colleagues. Who knows, maybe they’ll like it too.

That’s it for now, see you soon again,

Kind regards,

Goran @ AltusHost B.V.

How Are You Gonna Sell Something If People Don’t Understand What You’re Selling?

I can’t even count how many times I have seen good projects and great business ideas go to waste due to poor presentation, marketing and communication.

You have probably too, if you talk to a lot of people who own their business or are trying to launch one.

A lot of people out there still think that in order to succeed, all they gotta do is have a good product. You wouldn’t believe just how many business owners today still use “built it and they will come” as their modus operandi when it comes to getting people to recognize and use their products and services.

Don’t get me wrong, having a great product or service is crucial in every company’s success, but it’s not enough.

Last year I had a meeting with a friend of mine who is a CEO of a young and blooming startup firm. I won’t mention his name or the name of the company he works for in order to protect his interests.

We talked for a while, he presented me with all the cool stuff his company was working on and how he thinks they’re gonna improve their business by adding this and that feature to their product.

I gotta say, at that specific moment, all their plans seemed really interesting and inventive, but when I asked him how he plans to market their product, who’s their targeted audience, why is their product better than others who operate in the same niche, what’s unique about their service, why should I choose to do business with them and not their competitors, how they’re planning to communicate their work and message with the world – he went mute.

He just set there silently for half a minute, then he looked me in the eye and said: “We don’t need to rely on silly marketing tricks. Our products is great, people will instantly recognize for what’s it for and how to use it.”


Sure, when you read it now as a third party in this conversation, his response might seem a bit arrogant, but I honestly think that, at that moment, he was just really blinded by the product they were working on that he entirely forgot to look at it from a client’s point of view.

A couple of week ago, we meet again for a drink and just out of the blue, he started to complain how things aren’t going so well at work, and how people just aren’t responding to their product as well as they’ve hoped for.

This is happening for a number of reasons. First and foremost of all, people don’t really understand all the benefits that your product or service has to offer, unless you tell it to them over and over again. Assuming that they do, is as dumb as thinking that your dog will automatically figure out where to go potty, without you first showing him a couple of times.

I’m not saying that people are like dogs, nor am I comparing selling products with potty training, I’m just using this scenario as a metaphor to make a point.

You have to invest a lot of time and energy in distributing your value to the right people.

The question that should immediately come to your mind when sharing a certain project, product or service with the world is:

How am I going to get people to buy this if I don’t really explain to them all the benefits of using my products or services?

Lost In Thought
Lost In Thought

As a person who has been in charge of marketing for a couple of companies, I would not want to be responsible for marketing a bad product. I just don’t feel that you can be honest in marketing something you think is not top quality.

Good marketing cannot fix bad products, but good and creative marketing can make slightly inferior products sell. It can make people see some real value in them.

It is much harder to fix a poorly engineered product than a poorly marketed product. It could take years to re-engineer a bad product, while, on the other hand, you can switch your marketing strategy and tactics in just a couple of weeks.

Quality of service and products does play a big part in any company’s success. But, only a part.

My friend wasn’t wrong, but he wasn’t right either.

Education is Everything – Help Your Potential Customers Understand What it is That You’re Actually Selling

Let’s, for the sake of this post, say that you’re working for a web hosting company and your mission is to sell as much dedicated servers as possible. Your job is to get as many people as you can interested in purchasing one of those servers.

Sounds easy and pretty straight forward, right? Well….

Before you start to spend insane amounts of money and energy on creating generic AdWords and Facebook campaigns, you should always reevaluate what it is that you’re actually selling. You should always first analyze your asset and look at it from your client’s point of view: “If I was looking for a server for my website, why would I even consider hosting it on a dedicated server? Do I even know what’s a dedicated server and what makes it so great?

Once you have done that, you’ll know how to properly market it. You’ll know what kind of problems your service or product will solve. You’ll understand the real value of it, and how to demonstrate it. You’ll know how to engage your targeted group.

The thing is, most people today are not really interested in doing research. They’re not really in the mood for spending hours and hours searching about how something works. I know that this seems lazy, but it’s the truth. That’s just how things are today. Of course, there are exceptions, but looking on a global scale – my statement stands on solid ground.

If they don’t find what they’re looking for on the first page of SERP, a vast majority of people will most likely quit. There’ll get bored and move on to the next thing.

Academic research indicates that 91% of searchers do not go past page 1 of the search results and over 50% do not go past the first 3 results on page 1.


Knowing this, can we agree that it is in our best interest to send as many use cases, product benefits, descriptions and features their way, instead of waiting for them to find us themselves?

It doesn’t matter how patient we are – things will never magically work out for the best. We need to make them.

If you don’t put in the man hours into promoting your work and teaching as many people as you possibly can how to use yours product to help themselves, you’ll end up with a failed business on your hands.

Don’t Just Sell, Communicate Real Value

Education is everything. I like to think that the person who invented the wheel didn’t just sit there and admired his invention. I like to think that he immediately gathered as much humans as he possibly could around his “product” and put it into use in front of their eyes. Once they saw what this cool round thing could do and how it could undoubtedly help them transport their goods – they all went crazy for it. They all started using.

There’s a fine line between good and bad marketing.

A bad marketing strategy is one driven solely by tactics. Marketing/product groups operating this way will often brag about being ‘fast-paced’ and having ‘no red tape’. However, this is only because they don’t really have a plan and are focused on “deliverables”, rather than outcomes.

A good marketing strategy is always tied to the corporate business plan/strategy. If your product line is answering a real market problem, half your work is done and you can focus on your go-to-market strategy which is made up of your integrated tactics and programs for customer acquisition and customer retention.


Invest in educating your potential clientele, provide real value to them, stimulate them to think about your products and services as solutions, not just something you’re trying to sell and I promise you, you’ll see your business bloom.

Thank you for reading this post. I hope I provided you with some serious insights about marketing. If you liked what I wrote here, please remember to share this post with your friends and coworkers. Who knows, maybe this sort of content will help them better their business.

Once again, thanks for reading. See you soon again.

Goran @ AltusHost B.V.

It’s Not Quite That Easy To Fire Bad Customers

Contrary to popular thinking, not all business is good business, and not all customers are good and happy customers.

Just like there are bad businesses out there, there are bad customers as well.

Every business, doesn’t matter what it’s selling, or what kind of service it’s providing, has at one point surely interacted with people who are just extremely difficult to work with.


They make every task, no matter how clear or trivial it may be, insanely hard to do.

The problem is that most of these bad customers know that they’re creating unnecessary problems, and they just don’t care. They’re not interested in cooperating or finding a common ground with the other party.

They want it their way, or no way.

For web hosting companies, those customers are ones who open up a lot of tickets and don’t interact well with support. They create difficult situations where there shouldn’t be any.

Some of you reading this are probably already thinking: “Why is this an issue? Terminate their accounts immediately! Send these awful people packing!

Well, it’s not quite that easy

If you gathered a couple web hosting providers around the table and asked them what’s their worst nightmare, nine out of ten would almost instantly reply: “Bad press!


Bad reputation in this industry spreads like wildfire, and it’s insanely hard to deal with. Most of these bad customers know that. There have been numerous cases where some of our competitors had to cave in and go out of their way to satisfy a couple of their clients from Hell, because they were threatening them with bad reviews.

Negative “press” on the internet, specifically on Social and Search Engine ratings can affect your profile and overall public opinion score.

The internet is the only medium in which you can achieve view saturation at such astronomical levels. If just one bad review creates a lot of noise, which isn’t impossible, you could have a pretty serious problem on your hands.

Picture this scenario: Your client is causing you unnecessary problems every single day. He’s demanding this and that, he doesn’t pay for your services on time and he’s rude to your Support. You try your hardest to work things out, but he doesn’t want to meet you halfway. He continues to exploit your kindness and treat your Support like dirt.

You took all you could take from that specific client, and you finally decide to fire him. You send him an email, informing him that you’re terminating his account in a couple of days, and that he should, in that time, transfer his business to a different host.

He flips out, and writes an awful review about your company and your service on almost every relevant site. This review gets for example 500 views, which means that 500 people who read that garbage will never ever do business with you. They tell their friends that your firm is terrible, who tell their friends, and so on, and so on. The number of people who think you provide an awful service is rapidly growing.


Now you have a serious problem on your hands. You gotta pay insane amounts of money in order to clear this bad press from the web. Even if you manage to do that, which is extremely difficult, there are still people out there who in their memory carry bad impressions about your business, even if they’re based on completely false allegations.

So, What Should I Do?

Well, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and go with your gut. You have to stand your ground and fight this with common sense.

Before you decide to act and give a certain client the boot, you should always first ask yourself questions like:

  • Is it really worth the bad press to terminate this account?
  • Did we really do our best to meet this client halfway?
  • Are we out of all other options?
  • How really valuable is this client to us?

Be sure to exercise all your options before you decide to fire someone. Only go for this card when you’re all out of aces from your sleeves. Who knows, maybe there’s still a way on how you could work things out, without resorting to drastic measures.

Like Voltaire once said: “It is better to risk saving a guilty man, than to condemn an innocent one.

In this industry, these kind of scenarios happen all the time. Yes, its aggravating, but that’s what web hosting is all about – providing good service and even better support, no matter what.

As a company who has been active in this industry since 2008, and who serves more than 10.000 big, medium and small clients all over the globe, we’ve been in every imaginable situation.


There we’re numerous scenarios where we had to act drastically and fire clients. For an example, there was this one case:

We have a policy at out company where we allow our clients to have only one account with us. One time, we had this one client who created multiple accounts with different names and email addresses. We notified him to stop, but he refused to apply. He continued to create fake accounts, so we had to fire him.

For the record, we only fire clients who host illegal content, treat our Support like garbage and ignore our requests. Why? – Well because we are not interested in low quality customers. AltusHost is a company that takes pride in providing great service. Unlike most other hosting companies, we have our own Hardware and Network infrastructure, located in Amsterdam, Netherlands and Stockholm, Sweden.

We don’t rent or resell from a larger provider. We use our very own Infrastructure.The benefit of this is that we are in full control of all we use to deliver our hosting services. Next to great deals and very attractive prices, our Award Winning 24/7 Technical Support team is what really sets us apart from other hosting companies and makes us the preferred choice of individuals and businesses worldwide.

We invested a lot of money in our business, we know that we offer great service, and so do our long-term clients. Thus, we’re not interested in hosting bad clients who don’t respect our time and efforts.

Everyone who has a brain in their head will instantly know if a certain review is written purely out of anger, or does it contain some real insight.

Knowing that there are intelligent and decent people out there who read these sort of things and who think before they decide to jump on board with a first hate comment they see, we are not scared of bad reviews anymore. A lot of people host their businesses on our servers and they recommend us to their friends, colleagues and business associates every single day.

We truly appreciate their trust, and we plan to do everything in our power to keep it.

So, the thing that I’m really trying to teach you here is to always try to work things out before you go decide to make an enemy out of someone who clearly wants blood. But, if things don’t work out, and you end up adding additional gas to an already burning fire, remember to stand your ground and protect your investment. Don’t be scared of bullies. If they sense they have an advantage over you, you’re doomed. They will torture you for the rest of your life.

Don’t let yourself get bullied just because you want to save face in a specific situation.

Trust me, people can tell if you’re falsely accused or not. The important is to have confidence in your decisions and your service.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this post.
Remember to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo & Youtube!

That’s all for now. See you soon,

All the best,

Goran @ AltusHost B.V.


5 Reasons Why You Should Avoid FREE Hosting Providers

Contrary to popular thinking, “free” doesn’t exactly mean “good”. More often than not, it actually means quite the opposite. Why? – Well, because it’s free. Because you don’t have to pay anything for it.

How much something costs is usually a reflection of its quality.

Since the dawn of time, people have been blinded by false benefits. They have been, and still are, sucker for such terms as “free”, “promotional”, “special offer”, “one time only”, “buy one, get one free” that come with all sorts of services and products.

We all have those friends who, in this day and age, still go for the cheapest deals, thinking that they’ve actually saved a couple of bucks.


You and me both know that they couldn’t be more wrong.

I know that every single one of us, no matter for what he or she is shopping for, is always looking for a bargain. We are all looking for that great deal that will give us more than we actually paid for.

The problem is, in this process, more of than not, blinded by cheap sales tricks, people end up making poor choices for themselves and their business. They end up actually getting the worst possible deal out there, while thinking that they’ve done good.

I’ve been in this business for quite some time now, and I have seen a lot of people make the mistake of choosing free hosting deals for their websites over paid ones.

There are several reasons why you should avoid free hosting services.

In order to help you better understand all of them, I have constructed this list of 8 reasons on why you should never choose a free hosting solution for your website:

1. Free Web Hosting Provider Are Not Reliable

A provider of any free service can close up shop anytime he or she wants to, and you can’t do anything about it.


Let’s, for the purpose of the story, say that you have a blog on some sort of a free hosting platform.

Everything is going great, you’re putting in the hours, you’re constantly writing great content, updating your blog, building great relationships with all sorts of people around the web and one day, you’re host, just out of the blue, send you an email in which he’s informing you that he’s closing up shop.

What you’re gonna do now? What you’re move? Do you have enough time and resources to transfer your data and redirect all your backlinks to your new website? It all depends to the second party. If he doesn’t want to wait for you to get your stuff together, you cannot do anything about it.

2. Is This Free Web Hosting Actually Free?

Sure, you can setup your website on their servers for free, and you don’t have to pay anything for maintenance, but, thanks to that, you don’t have any control on which advertisements will appear on your page.


Free web hosting providers will place their ads anywhere they want to, without waiting for your permission. This want only compromise your website and leave you with ads you initially don’t want to see on your page, it will also take all your advertising space, and you won’t have anything left to rent to people who are interested in promoting their business on your website.

In this scenario, your “free” host is actually costing you money. Like a lot of money.

3. Surprise! You Don’t Really Own Your Own Site!

Personally, to me, this is the biggest deal breaker. If you carefully read the Terms and Conditions of most of these services, you’ll find out that legally you don’t really own your site. Blogger doesn’t let you take ownership of your own space, and if your try to sell and get caught – Google will ban you for life from using their services.


4. No Customization, No Support

Free web hosting services usually limit your options when it comes to your web page design. Most of them run on templates which are not really open to more serious changes. Sure, you can choose different templates from their library and tweak ‘em a bit, but only a bit.

Free web hosting services offer limited capacity for plugins, so you count on that you’ll have to make compromises on which tools you’ll add to your websites.

Next to this, free hosting services offer no support. You’re left on your own. If something goes wrong, and you start to experience difficulties with your website, you have to figure them out by yourself. These sort of hosting do not offer services that can cause problems, such a MySQL, databases, Php, email and all sorts of different scripts.

5. Limited Storage and Bandwidth 

Most of these providers have a paid package as well, so it’s quite naturally to assume that those who pay for their services will get the biggest piece of the cake. So there you are, a free user, left on the bottom of the food chain, waiting ages for your files to upload.

Same things goes for storage space as well. Not only that it will be limited, but, if you carefully read the Terms and Conditions, you’ll find out that your host can delete your content if he wishes to, for God knows what reasons. Maybe he wants to clear some space. You’ll never know, cause he won’t tell you.

These sort of services are useful for getting started with your website and practicing how to write and promote your content. These sort of services are probably the worst choice possible for those who are looking to make something out there website, and earn some cash while providing useful content or services via internet.

Don’t live to see your website go under, or your efforts go to waste due to poor hosting choices. Invest a bit in your business, and I promise you, you won’t regret it!

Thank you for taking the time from your busy day to read this blog post. I truly appreciate it.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Vimeo!

Have a great day!
Goran @ AltusHost B.V.

Myth Behind Unlimited Web Hosting

People have always been suckers for “big” marketing words. It doesn’t matter what you’re selling, if you include such words as “free”, “bonus”, “gift”, “unlimited”, “special” and “one time deal” to your offer, you’re significantly increasing your chances on making a sale.

Why?  – Because people just love to feel like they got the better of you in a single deal.

They just love feeling like they got a little bit extra for their money’s worth.


It doesn’t really matter what you’re selling, or if your deal is actually a good deal, if you know how to communicate your offer in a such way that your potential clients feel like they’re one step in front of you, you’re gonna make some big bucks.

Jeffrey Gitomer, a very famous American professional speaker and business trainer, once said: “In sales, it’s not what you say; it’s how they perceive what you say.

To be a good salesman, you don’t need to be super intelligent. All you need to know is how to feed your audiences’ greed and convince them that you’re giving them something that no one else in their right mind will.

In the web hosting industry, people use a lot of dirty tricks in order to stay competitive and get more and more people to host their businesses on their servers. To me, personally, there isn’t a single trick that I find more horrid than a “Unlimited Web Hosting” deal.

When I see offers like these around the web, I really feel bummed out. I know we are all looking for a way to make extra money, and that’s ok, but I strongly feel that we don’t need to scam people in order to reach our goals.

Reality Check

To clarify things, there’s no such things as “unlimited storage” and “unlimited bandwidth”.

There’s no such thing as a disk with unlimited space. It doesn’t exist. It hasn’t been made yet.

Unlimited is a great marketing term.

Just like “free”, unlimited gets people’s attention and gives the impression of, well, “unlimited” service.

We all jump out of our seats when we see similar words attached to some sort of product or service.


Who can blame us? Who doesn’t want to buy something that is everlasting or endless?

Unlimited storage generally means that your hosting company won’t measure your storage usage, or place a quota on it. Most of our competitors get away with this because with a couple of 2TB drives in the server, most people will never upload “unlimited” gigabytes of data.

In most cases, 99 out of the 100 users will consume a small fraction of the traffic and space, and this allows the host to oversell servers, while claiming that their hosting is unlimited.

We at AltusHost get asked about this all the time, and we feel that it’s of great importance that we take action and educate our public about this sort of deal.

Let’s Break it Down

When running a web server, you have (contextually) three costs – drive space (cheapest), processor cycles/memory, and bandwidth (most expensive).

Now, if you, for the sake of the story, give John unlimited space, and he somehow manages to exhausts more space than you planned he will, then all other businesses who share the same disk with him will experience difficulties.

The closer you get to being unlimited, the slower your site will become, the longer updates will take, and the more their support will contact you about the small print.

To eliminate this possibility of you calling them out for their unlimited hosting being limited, almost all web hosts companies that offer this sort of deal have set some restrictions about the maximum usage.

They all have a usage policy at Terms of Services, carefully placed in fine print, that is ignored by the majority of webmasters.

The main purpose of this policy is to tell webmasters that they can utilize as many server resources as they want to run their websites, but the prerequisite is that they can never overuse this benefit and excess the allocation entitled to them. Otherwise, the hosting companies may implement some penalties like suspending the website without notification.

In layman’s terms, they’re playing you for a fool, and you can’t do anything about it.

So, when you’re looking at anything that says “unlimited”, the limits are usually spelled out in the fine print or in the Terms and Conditions. Most of the time, “unlimited” won’t affect you, as most websites don’t actually hit the hidden limits, but it’s still not nice to know that you’re actually paying for something that doesn’t really exist.

Like Henry Ford once said: “The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed.


So, before go like a hungry fish for a shiny bait, remember to always first read the fine print, because, like you can take away from everything written above, you don’t want to find yourself in a situation where a single, carefully placed paragraph, ends up tricking you to pay for something that doesn’t really exist.

Thank you for sparing a couple of minutes from your busy day to read my article.

Remember to share this post with your friends and colleagues. As I can probably imagine, you don’t want to see them suckered into making a rubbish deal.

Why All Good Web Hosting Firms Recommend RAID 10 to Their Clients

Every single person on this planet who owns a website, or just a computer, fears one thing – losing important data.

It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you do, in this modern day and age, we all heavily rely on our files and documents.

That’s a fact. They’re our livelihood. Without them, we’re as good as being stranded naked on a deserted island.

Every knowledge base business uses documents as a core part of their work. These documents need to be organized, protected and shared with colleagues whose job is to collaborate and use this data to produce some sort of product or service that will benefit a certain number of people.

Just think about it. We spend loads and loads of time adding essential files, creating new content, doing and gathering research that’s crucial for the success of our business, downloading and uploading important videos, and one day, just out of the blue – it all suddenly disappears.

Our hard disk dies, and it’s all gone. Forever.

The horror.


It doesn’t matter if this particular HDD is on your laptop or your server – at some point, it will go under.

Like I already wrote on this blog, hardware is still not immortal. Sooner or later, your hard drive will die on you. It’s inevitable.

How Can I Protect My Files? Can I Recover My Data From a Dead Hard Drive?

You can try to retrieve information from your dead hard drive, but you can never be sure just how successful you’ll be in that mission.

Data recovery is very expensive. I have been through this once. One of my hard drives stopped getting detected. I tried many things, but I just could not get it up and running again.

Finally, I decided to seek help of data recovery professionals. Firstly, it was very difficult to find such people. When I found a few, they asked for insane amounts of money for their service. Even after searching the internet I could not find anything cheaper. In the end, I simply gave up.

If you’re interested in going down this road, be ready to spend some serious cash on this sort of action. And even then there is no guarantee that you will get your complete data back.

Before you go on how I should have tried DriveSavers or Kroll OnTrack as well, I have to stop right there and say: “I did. It didn’t work.”

So, Where Should I Store My Files? How Can I Reduce This Risk Of Losing My Entire Database?

Use RAID 10 Disk Setup.

For those who are not familiar with the term, RAID, a.k.a. Redundant Array of Independent Disks, offers us the opportunity combine several independent and relatively small disks into a single large storage unit.


There are several reasons why you should go for something like this.

The original one is, like I wrote above, to have a larger “single” storage space. Others include having redundancy and error avoidance, or speed increases (at least for reading), or making concurrent access more efficient, etc.

How Does It Work?

Data is distributed across the drives in one of several ways, referred to as RAID levels, depending on the specific level of redundancy and performance required.

The different schemes or architectures are named by the word RAID followed by a number (e.g. RAID 0, RAID 1).


Each scheme provides a different balance between the key goals: reliability, availability, performance, and capacity. RAID levels greater than RAID 0 provide protection against unrecoverable (sector) read errors, as well as whole disk failure.

So, Basically, If I Use RAID-10, I Can Never Loose My Files?

Basically, yes.

If one of your HDD starts to die on you, you’re still left with three solid backup disks.

Confused? Don’t be. Let me break it down for you.

Like I wrote above, RAID setup is a way of combining multiple hard disks into a one big logical unit.

It comes in several flavors. RAID 0,1,10,2,3,4,5 etc. Every flavor and every combination is different, so you need to fully educate yourself on which RAID levels and arrays matches your demands.

For an example, RAID 10, oftenly referred to as “RAID 1+0”, is a combination of RAID 1 and 0. It combines the mirroring of RAID 1 with the striping of RAID 0.

RAID 10 works by striping and mirroring your data across at least two disks. Mirroring, or RAID 1, means that it writes your data to two or more disks at the same time, so that, even if one disk fails completely, you’re left with the mirror that has your information safely preserved.


This is the RAID combination ideal for highly utilized database servers or any server that’s performing many write operations.

For a RAID 0+1 or RAID 1+0 (also called RAID 01 and RAID 10) array to work, you need at least four hard disks. This array has two failure tolerant disks, which means that at any given moment, you can spare at least two of them.

Of course, you never want to end in a situation where you’re short on backup disks, so all you gotta do is hot-swap the dead disks and RAID 10 will instantly re-build the the new ones, and you’re good to go.

You can do all this without even being forced to shut down your server, which means that you won’t experience any downtime and your users won’t even know that you had problems. Amazing, right?


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post.
Before you go, please remember to share it with you friends and colleagues!

Thank you so much. See you soon!
Kind regards,
Goran @ AltusHost B.V.

Hosting Story: Never Build Your Home On A Bad Foundation

Anyone who has ever built anything, be it a house, a LEGO castle or a website, will almost automatically tell you: “Before doing anything, focus on building a solid foundation for your project!

Foundation to projects is what feet are to people – If you had no feet, your legs would be useless. No matter how bulk they are, you wouldn’t be able to stand or walk anywhere.

All structural problems come from a bad foundation. Cracks on the walls, swinging doors, uneven floor, jammed windows – these are all foundation related issues.


When you really sit and think about it, in a way, our website is basically our home. We spend most of our day on it, we invest a lot of our time, money and energy in making it nice and tidy for people who come to visit, and we’re always trying to make it a reflection of who we are, what we’re all about and how we want people to see us.

Being our digital home, we need to build a solid foundation for it, if we don’t want to see it go down in ruin. It doesn’t matter how much money you spend on design, or how great your UI is, if your website isn’t secure or hosted on a proper server, you’re basically waiting for it to go under!

When it comes to investing in your website, next to great content , good hosting service, should probably be on the very top of your list. Without it, your website cannot performer on a desired level.

So, How do I Choose a Good Hosting Service?

First you need to figure out what you actually need.

What kind of website will you be hosting? Webshop? Blog? Online magazine? Company website? Info portal?

This is critical for which CMS system you will choose. In case you’re not familiar with the term, CMS is your backbone – its the “software” you install on your server.

A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting as well as maintenance from a central interface.Such systems of content management provide procedures to manage workflow in a collaborative environment.

Think of it as a platform that you can build on. Each CMS system is a different kind of platform and thus, it will help you create different things.


What Are The Main Factors I Should Focus On When Choosing a Hosting Company?

1. How long is the contract? Is there a money back guarantee?

2. How is their customer support? 24/7 Chat and true support is mandatory for a good host. Don’t settle for less.

3. How good is their uptime? Have their servers had any breakdowns?

4. What specs do you get vs. what you pay? Some hosting companies just write “unlimited” for bandwidth but while this is in theory “true” they make up for this by giving you a bad server that runs really slowly.

5. What’s their PR situation? Are they getting good or bad review all over the internet?

Is There a Web Hosting Company That Can Help Me With All Of This?

We at AltusHost have been providing quality Web Hosting services since 2008. Our main goal is to provide people with high quality managed web hosting services at the lowest possible rate and the highest customer satisfaction.

We focus on Quality more than Quantity. That’s why all our customers can be assured that they’re receiving one of the Best Value services on the market.


Why Choose Us?

Because, unlike most other hosting companies, we have our own Hardware and Network infrastructure, located in Amsterdam, Netherlands and Stockholm, Sweden. We do not rent or resell from a larger provider. No, we use our own Infrastructure.  The benefit of this is that we are in full control of all we use to deliver our hosting services.

Our Award Winning 24/7 Technical Support team sets us apart from other hosting companies and makes us the preferred choice of individuals and businesses worldwide. At AltusHost we do not make false promises. We take pride in everything we do and we assure you that the services we provide will be more than satisfying.


The point of our business isn’t just to sell you our services. Our goal is to sell you services that will make you happy and satisfied, that will perfectly fit you and your needs. Our best attainable result is a client whose business grows right along with us.

Don’t play with your website’s health! Choose the right people for the job!

I hope that this blog post has provided answers to some of your questions. If we skipped some of them that are of great importance to you – feel free to write them in the comments sections below, and we’ll get back to ASAP!

Does It Matter Where My Server Is Physically Located?

Before we start to provide answers to this question, it’s important to know that every byte that can be found on the internet, is physically hosted somewhere.

There’s a machine somewhere in the world that has that particular piece of information on it, and it’s sharing it with everyone else.

Sure, you can reach all types of data from almost every corner of the planet, but you got to know that how and where this certain data is located and hosted, will play a big part in the quality of its distribution.

A lot of people who live in countries that are part of The United Kingdom, more often than not find better and cheaper hosting deals outside of their borders.

Although they don’t initially want to, they come to an understanding that it’s better for their business to host their websites in such countries as Netherlands and Sweden.

Why? – Because, as businessmen, they’re always looking to get the most for their money’s worth, so it’s quite natural why these entrepreneurs are considering the option of hosting their websites abroad.


Netherlands has the best internet connection in Europe. Maybe not the fastest, but it has over 50 ISP’s. Amazing, Right?

The Dutch own a great, highly accessible and extremely stable network, and it’s peering with the whole world is pure gold.

Why should I overpay for something in my backyard, when I can get a lot better offer for it just next door? – A lot of UK entrepreneurs who invest in their websites are faced with this question.

When it comes to server location, a lot of different factor come into play.

In order to help you better understand just how big a part this plays in your websites success, we have decided to answer some of the more common questions people tend to asked when choosing a location for their server.

Should I Stay In The “Neighborhood”?

It depends. Generally yes, but there are exceptions.

When it comes to SEO, it’s recommendable that you keep your servers close.

Google ranks on loads of different factors. The geo-IP location of your server is one of them, but it’s certainly not the most important one.

We have a lot of Swedish and Dutch clients, because they have locally oriented businesses.

It’s quite logical for them to choose us to host their websites.

Dedicated Server

Just How Close Should I Stay?

For practical purposes, I wouldn’t worry about what city your site is hosted in, but I’d recommend keeping it in the same country. If you, for an example, like some of our clients, sell primarily to Swedish people, then it would be quite smart for you to host your website on a server that’s located in Sweden.

If you primarily sell to Canadians, then you should host your business on Canadian servers. You can find acceptable hosting solutions in both countries.

Are you screwing yourself if you host a Canadian site on Swedish servers? No. But that being said, you might improve your SERPs slightly if you host it in your “homeland”.

So, What are The Exceptions?

If you’re hosting videos and audio files on your server, or if you’re part of a gaming industry, then you should focus on different factors.

You should focus on the quality of your network, above everything else.

For example, if you’re from Europe and you’re interested in playing Counter Strike or some sort of a different game online, you’ll have a lot better ping if you use Dutch or Swedish servers, instead of US ones.

Like I wrote above, Netherlands has the best internet in EU, and in these situations you could really benefit from it.


Geographical location of your server matters only in a straightforward sense. It has effect only on the number of hoops that it takes for some piece of data to move around. The fewer hoops it uses, the faster your information will move around.

If you’re uploading videos and distributing video, and playing real time games, speed and stability is something that you should be looking for in a network.


I hope that we have answered some of your questions about server location in this blog post. If we missed something, feel free to ask a question or add something in the comments section below.

Also, before we part ways for now, I would like to add that when you shop for servers, you should also focus that you don’t rent ones that are situated in locations that are prone to natural disasters. You don’t want your server to go down because of an earthquake, floods or bad weather.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post.
Please remember to share it with your friends and colleagues and follow us on Facebook, Twitter & YouTube.
Have a great day!
Goran @ AltusHost B.V.

3 Reasons Why Hot Swap Chassis Are A Great Investment

When configuring a server, people find themselves in a situation where they have to shop for hardware.

Shopping for hardware is no different from shopping for food or clothes – you’re faced with way too many choices that start to confuse you and make you later on doubt your decisions.

You start to think: “Could I have gotten more for less? Should I have searched longer for a better deal? What if I made a mistake?”

Our research has shown that when it comes to looking for hardware for their servers, most people are torn between hot and cold swap chassis.

Why? Because, even if undoubtably better, hot swap chassis tend to cost a lot more money. Like four or five times more than regular ones.

This is where the problematic question comes to mind: “If I invest, will I eventually get my money’s worth?

The short answer is: “Yes!

Hot Swap Chassis HDD


Let’s break it down.

Sure, if you’re building a home computer, this could seem a bit much to you, but, if you’re planning to buy something for your business – than you should, without any doubt in mind, go for hot swap chassis!

For those who are not familiar with “hot swapping”, this term explains an action where a person is able to replace existing hardware components (hard disks) without actually shutting down the entire system on which they’re running on.

For example, you can replace a hard disk (if it has a hot swap chassis) without making your computer stop working. Amazing, right?

Hot swap capability is a must have feature in almost every business oriented electronic system.

To help you have a better understanding what I’m talking about, I have constructed a list of 3 main reasons why we suggest hot-swappable chassis to all of our clients:

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Less Downtime

Downtime” basically means “nightmare” in every online business owner’s dictionary.

Let’s say it’s 11am, you’re in the middle of your work day, and one of the drives on your company’s server suddenly dies. It happens. Hardware is still not immortal.

What do you? Do you shutdown the server and replace the drive, which will leave all your employees standing around with nothing to do? Do you wait until the work day is over and then change it, hopping to God that your other drive doesn’t die on you as well? What happens if that other disk doesn’t die, but starts spinning down? What’s your move then? Where do you go from there?

Next to paying for a new hard drive, you’ll find yourself in a situation where you have to pay your vendors to change it for you.

If the drive dies due to unplugging and plugging operations then the manufacturer needs to replace it and these actions inherently increase the probability of failure.

At this point, basically all your worst nightmares are become reality. Every minute, you’re losing more and more money!

All of these risks are something that we, who own an online business, have to live with each and every day.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a simpler way to fix this problem? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way on how you could replace your dead hardware, without being condemned to some pretty long and expensive down time?

Well, there is. Go out and buy hot swap chassis.

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Great Backup Solution

Most businesses rely heavily on their data, and they’ll do almost anything to protect it. This is where “hot-swappable” drives come in handy.

For example, a business may have a dedicated HDD for customers in the Eastern Europe area, which is loaded with all the priceless data about their company.

How do they protect it by using “hot swappable” disks? Easily. They duplicate all their data on a backup HDD and keep it ready and available for future usage, in case if the original/active one fails.

When the original HDD dies (and it most certainly will, at some point), the copy containing identical information will be ready to get “hot swapped” and there’ll be no negligible down-time on their computer system. When they insert that copy, they should immediately start to make another one and keep it ready and available when a similar problem arrives.

It’s an endless bulletproof loop that promises grade A data protection.

Guaranteed Return of Investment

Sure, hot swap chassis tend to cost more at first than cold swap chassis, but now when you know what kind of problems the later will cause, would you agree with me in saying that they’re not that expensive?

Think about. Revisit all the scenarios I’ve presented you with in this article. Put them to paper and do the math. Sit down and really look at all the facts. Next to sales, clicks and your staff’s time, cold swap cases can cost you your entire work database. Most serious business cannot afford to lose that.

Think ahead, save yourself from falling victim to bad choices and keep your professional data as safe as possible!

This is way most of our clients have hot swap chassis on their dedicated servers.

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