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How to Recognize and Protect Yourself from Email Scams – Email Phishing

How to Recognize and Protect Yourself from Email Scams 

(Email Phishing)

Are you truly certain that the email you received from your bank was actually sent by your bank? Both businesses and individuals are often targeted by fraudulent emails, known as email phishing, which appear to be sent from a bank or other company you engage with. However, once you download a file onto your computer or click on a link in the email, attackers gain access to your sensitive information.

In this article, we’ll delve into 7 characteristics of email phishing to help you identify fraudulent emails, as well as methods for preventing and blocking them.

What is Phishing?

 Phishing is a scamming method where attackers send you content posing as a legitimate company, aiming to either open files or obtain confidential information.

How to Recognize Phishing Emails?

 The most infamous example of a phishing email is the “Nigerian Prince” scam, where individuals were asked to send money, and emails often began with the phrase “Salutations from the son of the deposed Prince of Nigeria…”. Initially, it was relatively easy to recognize these fraudulent emails. However, over time, phishing emails have become increasingly similar to genuine emails, making them much harder to detect.

Here are some key characteristics of phishing emails:

  • Emails are not sent from the claimed domain.
  • They use generic greetings.
  • Links within the email direct to a third-party site.
  • They request confidential information via email.
  • Suspicious files are attached with peculiar names.

Examples of Phishing Emails We’ve highlighted 7 real-life examples of phishing emails, noting that all data, including email addresses and domains in the images, have been altered.

1.They ask for information via email

 If you receive an email from a bank asking you to download a file from the attachment containing a list of transactions, edit it, and send it back, there’s a high chance it’s a SPAM/phishing email. Genuine companies will never ask for confidential information like passwords, account numbers, or credit card details via email. Instead, they will provide you with a link to a form on their website where you must log in beforehand to enter such information.

2.They don’t address you by name. 

Phishing emails typically start with generic greetings, such as “Dear Sir” or “Dear Customer.” This should be your first red flag because companies with whom you have accounts have your information and will address you by name in most cases, for example, “Dear John” or “Dear Emily.”

3.They don’t send emails from their own domain.

It’s important to note that the From address in the email header isn’t necessarily the address from which the email is actually sent. The From address is simply the address displayed as the sender of the email, while the Sender address is actually the one from which the email is sent. It’s good practice for both addresses to match, but since most email programs like Gmail or Webmail only display the From address, this is often exploited. If you suspect that the email is coming from a different address, you can click on “Details” and then “All headers…” to see the message header where both the From and Sender addresses are listed.

4. Cyber Extortion: Recognizing and Responding to Threatening Emails

In a plain extortion email, recipients receive a threatening message purportedly from a hacker claiming to have access to sensitive data. The email typically contains a link that, when clicked, supposedly reveals the compromised information. In exchange for not disclosing this data publicly, the hacker demands payment. This form of cyber extortion preys on fear and urgency, urging victims to comply with the hacker’s demands to avoid potential repercussions. However, it’s crucial for individuals and organizations to remain vigilant, refrain from clicking on suspicious links, and report such incidents to the appropriate authorities or cybersecurity professionals.

5. They force you to their site.

The most effective phishing emails are those that demand urgent action from the recipient under threatening excuses: Your account will be suspended, You have exceeded the email quota, so it will not work until you delete it by clicking the button in the email, Someone has sent you a message click to see it, etc.

6. They send you files for download. 

This is also another sign of phishing emails; typically, institutions such as banks will not send you attachments in emails for you to fill in information and send them back. Instead, they will send you links to their website where you can download or fill out documents if you are logged into your account. Of course, there are exceptions here, and some companies will send you files such as bills or statements. However, even in those cases, pay attention if the files have .exe, .rar, or .zip extensions, which often contain malicious files.

7. Links don’t match the website.

 In this email example, it states that it comes from a DHL well known and reputable place; however, clicking on the email and signature opens a page that is not on this domain. But you don’t have to click on the link to check this. On a computer, when you hover over a link in the bottom left corner, you can see the link that would open if you clicked on it.

How to Block Such Phishing Emails

We’ll go through two options for blocking SPAM emails on cPanel: using Email Filters and using Spam Filters.

 Email Filters

You can filter emails on cPanel using the following options:

Under Global Email Filters, you set filters that apply to all created email addresses, while under Email Filters, you can set filters for each email address separately. These filters operate based on rules such as:

  • If an email comes from a specific address or domain, it should be deleted.
  • If the content of the email or the subject contains any of the following words, then it should be moved to the SPAM folder. In the Rules field, you can set the condition (IF), while in the Actions field (WHAT), you set what should be done with such emails. Examples of email filters:

Delete all emails coming from a specific domain

Create a filter to move emails containing a specific word in the subject to the spam folder

Forward emails containing a specific word in the body to a designated email address,

You can do a lot with email filters – including accidentally creating filters that delete emails you didn’t intend to delete. Be careful when creating filters and use the cPanel filter tester to verify that the filter is indeed doing what you want it to do.

Spam Filters 

Another option available on cPanel that you can use to block phishing emails is the Spam Filter, where you can configure actions to take on emails that the system identifies as spam (such as deleting them), as well as completely block incoming emails from a specific address or domain by adding them to the blacklist.

By default, the option enabled on cPanel is to move incoming emails rated as spam (rating over 5) to the SPAM folder. However, although we do not recommend auto-delete, you can configure such emails to be automatically deleted by enabling the Automatically Delete New Spam (Auto-Delete) option.

Under Additional Configurations, you’ll find the Blacklist option, where you can specify domains or email addresses from which you never want to receive emails.

Examples of blacklist entries:


This will delete all incoming emails from [email protected]





Discover more insightful articles on the AltusHost blog and explore our diverse range of hosting packages, all accessible via cPanel for seamless email filtering. Your online security and data integrity are paramount, and the AltusHost team is here to assist you with any inquiries or assistance you may require. Stay tuned for more tutorials and helpful resources aimed at empowering you to navigate and resolve challenges effectively. Should you need any further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to AltusHost support. Until next time, happy reading! 

5 Ways to Reset Your WordPress Admin User Password

Security is paramount in maintaining your WordPress website. Regularly changing your password is one of the fundamental security measures. It’s essential to update your password to prevent unauthorized access to your account, even if you believe it’s currently strong enough. In this article, we’ll explore five easy yet effective ways to update your WordPress account password.

Reset WordPress User Password using the Forgot Password Option

You can use the wp-login form on the website to reset your password if you’ve forgotten it for your WordPress website. If your website is configured to send emails, you can accomplish this. The actions you can do are as follows:

Step 1: Access the login page

First, go to the login page.

Go to https://domain_name/wp-admin to access the WordPress login screen.

Step 2: Select “Forgot your password?” from the menu.

Look for the “Lost your password?” option on the login screen. To begin the process of changing your password, select that option.

Step 3: Enter your email address

You will be sent to a page where you can enter the email address linked to your WordPress account after clicking the “forgot password” link.

Step 4: Follow the instructions in the email

You ought to receive an email with reset password instructions after providing your email address. To finish the password reset procedure, adhere to the guidelines provided in the email.

Step 5: Enter a new password

You will be taken to a page where you may change the password for your WordPress account after clicking the password reset link in the email. Retype your password and make sure it works.

Reset WordPress User password using Softaculous Auto Installer

Using Softaculous Auto Installer, a strong utility that makes maintaining your WordPress installations easier, may make changing your WordPress password simple. These are the procedures you can use to safely change the password on your WordPress website.

Step 1: Access Softaculous Auto Installer

Firstly, log into your cPanel account and access WordPress Manager by Softaculous.

Step 2: Manage Users for your WordPress Site

To access the password change form, identify the WordPress installation for which you wish to reset the password, then choose the “Manage users” option. (If installations are not visible, a scan must be done first.)

Step 3: Set the New Password for User

Upon opening the form, you must first choose from the dropdown menu the username (if you have only one user, only one choice will be given) you wish to change the password for. For increased protection, it is advised to create a strong password with a mix of capital and lowercase letters as well as digits. To finish the procedure, click “Save” once the new password has been entered. Softaculous will update your WordPress website’s password automatically.

Step 4: Test Logins

Try using the new password to access into your WordPress website to make sure the procedure was successful. It indicates that the password reset was effective if you are able to access it.

Reset WordPress User password from phpMyAdmin

You might have forgotten your password. No worries, using phpMyAdmin in cPanel to reset the administrative password from your database is the simplest approach to get access again.

Step 1: Open phpMyAdmin

Log into your cPanel account and choose the phpMyAdmin option from the “Databases” area.

Step 2: Choose Your Database Name

Select the database used by the WordPress installation for which you wish to change the password by clicking on it on the left. (The wp_config.php file contains the name of the database that your website uses; if WordPress is multisite, you also need to verify the database prefix in the file.)

Step 3: Open the wp_users table and click on the edit button next to the user.

Once the database has been accessed, select the wp_users table (*, where the table’s wp_ prefix is defined in the wp-config.php file), and then select the “Edit” button next to your username.

Step 4: Set a new password, choose MD5, and save it.

Choose MD5 as the Function under user_pass, and then type your new password as the Value.

Simply click the “Go” button located at the bottom of the screen! You’ve successfully utilized phpMyAdmin to reset the password for the WordPress administrator account, granting you access to wp-admin.

This method allows for swift restoration of access to your WordPress website should you forget your password or encounter difficulties logging in as the administrator.

Reset WordPress User Password using WP-CLI on a VPS server

WP-CLI is a handy terminal tool through which you can manage multiple sites at high speed. If you’re already using WP-CLI, you can check your WordPress version from the terminal with the following command:

Step 1. Enter the website directory

cd  /path/to/website/folder

Then run this command to make sure that you are in the right folder:

wp option get home && wp option get siteurl

Step 2. List all users and find the username in the user_login column

Korak 3. Change the  “USER” placeholder in the next command and “NewPassword” with the new password, then run the command:

wp user update USER –user_pass=NewPassword

That’s it! This process facilitates a rapid reset of the WordPress user’s password using the WP-CLI tool. It’s especially beneficial in situations where performing this operation from the command line or automating the process through scripts is necessary.

Reset WordPress User Password using MySQL on the Terminal

In this guide, we will cover how to reset a WordPress password from the command line.

For our shared hosting plans, SSH access can be enabled upon request.

(You can find the username, database name, database user’s password, and prefix within the wp_config.php file.)

Step 1. Access terminal and login to MySQL:

mysql -u USER_NAME  -p DB_NAME;

Then insert your password for the MySQL user.

Step 2. Enter the database:

use DB_NAME;

Step 3. List users to view the user ID:

select * from wp_users;

Copy the ID of the user to reset password.

Step 4. Update password:


This process enables a swift reset of the WordPress user’s password directly from the database using the command line. It proves useful in scenarios where accessing the admin panel isn’t feasible or when there’s a need to execute this operation swiftly and effectively.

If you found this text helpful, please share it with your friends and colleagues. We believe in sharing knowledge generously! We are committed to exploring more valuable WordPress topics in the future.

If you’re still experiencing difficulty logging into your WordPress admin account, feel free to reach out to us via email at [email protected].

Until our next encounter, farewell!

Unveiling Gen Z: 5 Marketing Strategies Based on Their Shopping Habits

The rise of Generation Z (Gen Z), born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, marks a new era in consumer behavior. Shaped by technology, social consciousness, and a unique set of values, Gen Z is a demographic that demands innovative marketing approaches. To effectively capture their attention and loyalty, businesses must understand and adapt to the distinct shopping habits of this generation. In this blog, we’ll unveil Gen Z and explore five effective marketing strategies tailored to their preferences.


1. Embrace Authenticity and Transparency

Gen Z values authenticity and transparency in brand interactions. They seek genuine connections with brands that share their values. Marketing campaigns that highlight real stories, ethical practices, and a commitment to social and environmental responsibility resonate well with this generation. Authenticity fosters trust, a key factor in gaining and maintaining Gen Z’s loyalty.

2. Leverage Social Media Platforms

Gen Z is the first generation to grow up in a fully digital age, making social media an integral part of their daily lives. To reach them effectively, businesses must establish a strong presence on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. Engaging content, influencer collaborations, and interactive campaigns on these platforms can capture Gen Z’s attention and create a sense of community around your brand.

3. Prioritize Mobile-Friendly Experiences

Mobile devices are Gen Z’s primary gateway to the online world. Ensuring that your website and marketing materials are optimized for mobile use is non-negotiable. Whether it’s a seamless mobile shopping experience or mobile-responsive content, catering to the preferences of this tech-savvy generation is crucial for success.

4. Emphasize Personalization

Gen Z appreciates personalized shopping experiences. Utilize data analytics and AI-driven technologies to understand their preferences and behavior. Tailor your marketing messages, product recommendations, and promotions to align with individual preferences. Personalization not only enhances the shopping experience but also increases the likelihood of conversion.


5. Engage in Social Causes

Gen Z is known for its social activism and commitment to various causes. Aligning your brand with social issues that matter to them can create a positive impact and build brand loyalty. Whether it’s supporting environmental sustainability, social justice, or community initiatives, demonstrating a genuine commitment to social causes can resonate deeply with Gen Z.


Understanding and adapting to Gen Z’s unique shopping habits is paramount for businesses aiming to thrive in today’s dynamic market. By embracing authenticity, leveraging social media, prioritizing mobile experiences, emphasizing personalization, and engaging in social causes, businesses can forge genuine connections with Gen Z consumers. As this generation continues to redefine consumer behavior, staying attuned to their preferences is essential for building a successful and sustainable brand. AltusHost stands ready to support businesses in navigating these trends, offering tailored web hosting solutions and digital marketing services.

AI Revolution: Transformation in Marketing and IT

In the rapidly evolving digital environment, businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to stay ahead of the competition. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer, providing tools that transform content creation in both marketing and the IT sector. This blog explores various ways AI shapes content generation, examining its applications and impact. Additionally, we’ll explore AI integrations in popular platforms and introduce cutting-edge AI tools leaving a profound mark on the industry.

AI Content Generation Tools:

  • ChatGPT:

ChatGPT, based on the OpenAI GPT-3.5 architecture, leads in natural language processing. Its ability to generate coherent and relevant text positions it as an unparalleled tool for content creators. Marketers use ChatGPT for writing social media posts, blogs, and emails. Its dynamism enables interactive communication, making it an indispensable resource in creating personalized and persuasive content.

  • MidJourney:

MidJourney is an artificial intelligence program and service created and hosted by the independent research laboratory Midjourney, Inc., based in San Francisco. Program generates images based on natural language descriptions, called prompts. The program is a generative AI tool that transforms textual prompts into visual art. It has become recognizable in the domain of image generation based on machine learning. It stands out for its user-friendly platform, operates within the Discord messaging app, and requires minimal setup, making it accessible to a wider range of users. As an independent and self-funded project, Midjourney has demonstrated the ability to generate compelling images based on simple textual inputs, highlighting the growing potential of AI in the creative industry.

  • Bard:

Bard revolutionizes content creation by providing AI-powered writing support that exceeds expectations. This tool focuses on shaping creative narratives, assisting content creators in developing compelling stories for brand campaigns, advertisements, and websites. It adds a layer of creativity through suggestions for ideas, sentence structure, and tone, enhancing the content creation process. Moreover, Bard stands out from other tools by enabling direct searches of YouTube channels to find relevant answers. For intance, simply pose a question in Bard, such as “find a video on shape editing in Illustrator,” and you’ll receive the most relevant YouTube video available directly. This functionality makes Bard a versatile tool for users seeking quick and accurate information.

  • helps businesses create advertising messages and various types of marketing content. Many entrepreneurs and business owners use to generate diverse marketing content and grow their businesses.

For marketers seeking efficiency in text writing, Copy AI represents a true revolution. This tool automates the writing process, generating persuasive copy focused on conversions for ads, product descriptions, and purchase pages. By combining speed with quality, Copy AI enables marketers to optimize their workflow, maintaining a high standard of content.

With over 90 tools, Copy AI provides a wide range of possibilities for creating different types of marketing content. This tool is crucial for individuals looking to streamline the creation process and improve the efficiency of marketing activities. Bernard, as a business owner, uses to enhance his marketing approach and achieve business growth.

BlackBox is a coding program. More than 6 million developers use Blackbox chat to answer coding questions and assist them during coding. It uses artificial intelligence to automatically complete programming, saving time for programmers.

It can write computer programs to create any software at the speed of light. Also, transforms any question into code. The program itself does not require fast internet; it works perfectly even when the internet connection is slow.

What makes it outstanding is the fact that it supports more than 20 programming languages, including JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Java, C, C++, PHP, SQL, R, Swift, etc. It can automatically complete, edit, and debug code. Moreover, it can extract code from attached images, video clips, or other PDFs. It has a simple and user-friendly interface. It is compatible with any web browser.

Developers can use for various purposes. Some examples of its application are: for automatically completing programs. Students can use for learning or practicing programming, while companies can use it for software development or applications for their company.

AI Additions in Platforms:

  •, a well-known platform for scheduling posts on social media, integrates AI features to optimize content planning. Using AI algorithms, it determines the most effective posting times, suggests relevant hashtags, and even offers title recommendations. This not only saves time for marketers but also ensures that social media content is shared strategically for maximum impact.

  • Canva:

Canva, a widely used graphic design platform, integrates AI to enhance the design process. Its AI features analyze user preferences and design trends, suggesting color schemes, font combinations, and layout options. This empowers users to create visually impressive content, even if they lack expertise in design, thereby democratizing graphic design.


Figma is a design tool that enables collaboration on creating user interfaces, prototypes, and design systems. It allows multiple users to work on the same design project simultaneously, making it popular for team collaboration in design and development.

By integrating artificial intelligence into FigJam, they have made it even more useful. Their mission? Helping users visualize ideas and plans immediately, suggesting best practices and, of course, automating tedious tasks so you can focus on the bigger picture.

The new FigJam, now with AI features designed to help you go from a blank page to a personalized FigJam in seconds. It generates suggestions for weekly team meetings, brainstorming sessions, or can help you switch to planning mode with organizational diagrams – all through a simple query. Built on best practices and inspired by everyday situations, these customizable queries are designed to answer your needs wherever you are in your workflow.

Forecasts for Further AI Development

  • Deeper Context Understanding:

Next-generation AI tools are expected to have even better context understanding, allowing them to generate content that not only meets grammatical standards but also subtly aligns with the brand’s tone and style.

  • Personalization at a Higher Level:

AI will be increasingly used for user experience personalization.

  • Integration with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR):

AI will increasingly collaborate with VR and AR technologies, expanding the boundaries of creating digital experiences. AI is expected to enhance interaction in virtual space, providing users with even more immersive visual and auditory experiences.

  • Greater Autonomy and Creativity:

AI will become increasingly autonomous in content creation, and tools like Bard and Copy AI will likely develop the ability to generate even more creative and emotionally rich texts, ads, and narratives.

  • Ubiquitous Integration into Business:

AI will become an indispensable part of business, integrating into everyday processes.

  • Ethical Aspects and Regulation:

With the increasing use of AI, there is expected to be a greater focus on ethical aspects and the need for regulatory frameworks. Organizations will need to carefully consider privacy, security, and fairness issues related to the use of AI tools.


In conclusion, as AI continues to evolve, AltusHost keeps up with the latest technological advances. We are ready to provide the best products using state-of-the-art tools and technologies. Through blogs like this, we share our knowledge and help the community beyond just hosting.

This exciting future brings opportunities for innovation in content creation, marketing, and information technologies. By following this technological rise, we witness the transformation of the digital reality. The integration of AI tools into content creation platforms not only increases efficiency but also contributes to the creation of engaging and personalized content. AI technology is expected to play a key role in shaping the digital landscape in the future. Stay tuned, because with us, you keep pace with these dynamic changes.

Tailored to You: The Rise of Personalized Shopping in 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of e-commerce, the quest for consumer attention and loyalty has led to a paradigm shift in how businesses approach customer interactions. One of the cornerstones of this transformation is the emphasis on personalized shopping experiences. Today’s consumers, inundated with choices, crave tailored and individualized interactions that resonate with their preferences and lifestyles. Let’s delve deeper into the evolution of personalized shopping experiences and how businesses can leverage this strategy to thrive in 2024 and beyond.

The Evolving Consumer Landscape:

In recent years, consumer expectations have soared to unprecedented levels. No longer satisfied with generic product recommendations, modern shoppers seek personalized experiences that cater to their unique tastes and preferences. From fast-moving consumer goods to high-end luxury brands, the demand for personalized shopping experiences cuts across diverse industries.

Online Retailers: 

Online retailers, particularly in the fashion industry, are embracing innovative strategies to enhance the shopping experience. Features like Business WhatsApp numbers and 24/7 support on all devices empower customers to engage with brands seamlessly, seeking assistance and making purchases at their convenience.

High-End Brands:

Luxury brands are redefining exclusivity with private delivery services and “try at home” options. Customers can experience the luxury of personalized shopping from the comfort of their homes, selecting and retaining items they love while returning those that don’t meet their expectations.

Fast Food Industry:

Even the fast food industry is embracing personalization trends. In Monaco, for example, mini catering and fast food trucks bring culinary delights directly to customers’ doorsteps. With an array of options available onsite, customers can indulge in personalized dining experiences tailored to their cravings.

Food Delivery Subscriptions:

Another innovative approach to personalized shopping experiences is the rise of food delivery subscriptions. Delivered through a subscription service, meal kits revolutionize the home cooking experience by offering pre-measured ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes. These kits empower home cooks to prepare chef-crafted meals without the hassle of meal planning and grocery shopping. Subscribers enjoy the flexibility to customize their meal plans according to their dietary preferences and desired number of meals per week. Whether it’s exploring new cuisines, accommodating dietary restrictions, or simply enjoying the convenience of home-cooked meals, meal kits cater to a diverse range of tastes and lifestyles.


The Role of AI in Personalization:

The integration of AI technologies is revolutionizing personalized shopping experiences, offering unprecedented levels of customization and convenience. From intelligent recommendation engines to augmented reality tools, AI is reshaping the way consumers interact with brands and products.

Cameras and Image Recognition: 

Cameras and softwares can accurately determine the right size of rings, dresses, t-shirts, and other apparel items, eliminating the guesswork associated with online shopping and ensuring a perfect fit for customers.


Strategies for Implementing Personalized Shopping:

Businesses can leverage a variety of strategies to implement personalized shopping experiences effectively:

Data-Driven Insights: 

Utilize customer data to gain valuable insights into preferences, purchase history, and browsing behavior. Data-driven strategies enable businesses to deliver targeted recommendations and tailored marketing messages.

Intelligent Recommendation Engines: 

Implement robust recommendation engines that analyze user behavior in real-time. By understanding customer preferences, businesses can offer personalized product suggestions that align with individual tastes and preferences.

The Role of Technology and Infrastructure:

A seamless personalized shopping experience hinges on a robust technical foundation and scalable infrastructure:

Scalable Systems: 

Invest in scalable systems to accommodate the growing demands of personalized experiences. A flexible infrastructure ensures that websites can handle increased traffic and data processing requirements without compromising performance.

Responsive Design: 

Design online shopping platforms with responsiveness in mind, ensuring a seamless user experience across devices. A user-friendly interface enhances engagement and encourages customers to explore personalized recommendations.

Secure and Reliable Hosting: 

Partner with a trustworthy hosting provider like AltusHost to ensure fast loading times, robust security measures, and uninterrupted service. Reliable hosting is essential for delivering a seamless personalized shopping experience that exceeds customer expectations.


In the fiercely competitive landscape of e-commerce, the ability to deliver personalized shopping experiences is paramount. As businesses navigate the complexities of 2024, personalized shopping emerges as a cornerstone of success. 

At AltusHost, we understand the critical role of personalization in enhancing customer experiences and driving business growth. By offering fast, reliable hosting services and unwavering customer support, we empower businesses to meet the evolving demands of their customers and foster long-lasting relationships built on trust and satisfaction. Together, let’s embrace the power of personalization and unlock new opportunities for success in the dynamic world of e-commerce.

Holiday E-commerce Recap 2023: AltusHost’s Guide to Seasonal Sales Surges


The holiday season, a time of merriment and joy, also signals a surge in e-commerce activities. It’s not just about the glistening decorations and warm cocoa; it’s a time when online businesses experience a dynamic influx of customers. From the exhilarating Black Friday sales to the heartwarming Christmas spirit and the ever-growing trend of online Secret Santa exchanges, this season brings diverse opportunities for businesses to shine. Amid this bustling landscape, AltusHost emerges as a key player, providing indispensable hosting and server solutions to ensure a seamless and delightful shopping experience for online businesses and their customers alike.

Total Christmas spending in retail in Europe (online and in-store) in 2023, by country


The Diverse Surge in Ecommerce

The holiday season isn’t a one-size-fits-all affair for online retailers. Black Friday, a day synonymous with doorbuster deals and midnight madness, stands in stark contrast to the calm, gift-laden days leading up to Christmas. The emergence of Cyber Monday and the digital twist on gift-giving with online Secret Santa exchanges add further layers to this ecommerce wonderland. Each event has its unique flavor, catering to varied consumer interests and needs. From tech enthusiasts seeking Black Friday bargains to last-minute gift shoppers on Christmas Eve, businesses must be nimble in their approach to meet the demands of these diverse surges in e-commerce activities.

The holiday season encompasses online spending between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31 across 1 trillion visits to U.S. retail sites, 100 million SKUs and 18 categories. 

AltusHost’s Hosting Essentials for Ecommerce Success

As businesses gear up for the holiday rush, AltusHost stands ready with hosting solutions crafted to handle the diverse demands of holiday traffic. Beyond the festive season, these hosting essentials prove indispensable for online success. AltusHost’s hosting solutions are not mere servers; they are the backbone of a reliable, scalable infrastructure that empowers businesses to navigate peak periods with ease. In an age where downtime is not an option, AltusHost ensures that online businesses can provide a seamless shopping experience for their customers, fostering trust and loyalty.

Security Measures for Festive Transactions

The festive season, while brimming with joy, also sees an uptick in cyber threats. AltusHost acknowledges the critical need for secure online transactions during this period. As shoppers eagerly fill their virtual carts, AltusHost implements robust security features and measures to safeguard customer data. Through encryption and proactive security protocols, AltusHost ensures that online transactions remain safe and secure. This commitment to cybersecurity isn’t just for the holidays; it’s a year-round dedication to preserving the integrity of online businesses and the trust of their customers.

Source: Freepik

Optimizing Performance for Conversions

The holiday shopping experience extends beyond finding the perfect gift. It encompasses the entire online journey, from the moment a customer lands on a website to the final checkout. AltusHost provides businesses with insights into optimizing website performance, a crucial factor in enhancing the holiday shopping experience. With advanced performance optimization tools and features, AltusHost ensures that websites not only withstand the influx of holiday traffic but also deliver a seamless and responsive interface. A well-optimized website contributes to higher conversion rates, customer satisfaction, and a competitive edge in the crowded ecommerce landscape.

Planning Ahead for Future Success

The holiday season undoubtedly presents a lucrative opportunity for businesses, but those with a foresighted approach recognize the significance of looking beyond the immediate festivities. To ensure sustained success throughout the year, businesses should delve into understanding their target audience thoroughly. This involves gaining insights into how customers shop, the channels they prefer, and the factors that influence their purchasing decisions.

In addition to comprehending consumer behavior, keeping a pulse on web design trends is crucial. A visually appealing and user-friendly website not only enhances the overall shopping experience but also contributes to brand credibility. Regularly updating and aligning your website with current design trends can set your business apart and make a lasting impression on visitors.

Creating focus groups can be a valuable strategy in gauging customer preferences and expectations. By soliciting feedback directly from your audience, you can fine-tune your offerings, marketing strategies, and overall business approach. This proactive engagement helps build a stronger connection with your customer base and positions your business to meet their evolving needs effectively.

Striving for excellence within your industry is a given, but equally important is offering exceptional customer support. The post-holiday period is an opportune time to assess and refine your customer service practices. Businesses that prioritize responsive and efficient customer support leave a positive lasting impression, fostering customer loyalty and advocacy.

In essence, the key to post-holiday success lies in understanding your audience, staying attuned to web design trends, leveraging focus groups for direct insights, aspiring to be an industry leader, and providing unparalleled customer support. By adopting a holistic and forward-thinking approach, businesses can transform holiday momentum into sustained, year-round success.

Source: Freepik


As we conclude our exploration of the past holiday season, it’s not just a retrospective; it’s a blueprint for planning ahead. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, followed by the joyous gifting during Easter, and the anticipated summer season, businesses have a multitude of opportunities to capitalize on.

AltusHost, your steadfast partner in the e-commerce wonderland, remains committed to providing the tools and expertise needed for your business to thrive in every season. Seize the insights gained from the holiday rush, be prepared for upcoming occasions, and make every season a resounding success for your online business. Whether it’s the romance of Valentine’s Day, the joy of Easter gifting, or the vibrancy of summer, AltusHost is here to empower your online journey. Explore AltusHost’s hosting services or reach out to our dedicated support team for personalized assistance.

Together, let’s navigate the upcoming seasons and turn each occasion into a triumph for your online business.

How to Transfer a Domain from Google Domains to AltusHost

On September 7, 2023, a pivotal shift occurred in the digital domain landscape as Squarespace took the reins, acquiring all domain registrations and associated customer accounts from Google Domains. This transition, set to unfold over the next few months, will witness the migration of over 10 million domains to Squarespace, marking a significant paradigm shift. It’s worth noting that Squarespace, while offering a robust platform, is not always the most cost-effective solution for domain management.

If you find yourself affected by this domain management reshuffle and are contemplating relocating your domain, we’ve crafted a comprehensive step-by-step guide to facilitate the smooth transfer of your Google domain to AltusHost. Additionally, we’ll keep you abreast of the latest developments and their direct implications on your digital presence.

Source: created by AltusHost

The closure of Google Domains’ beta stage in March 2022 raised eyebrows, and the subsequent transition to Squarespace service in late 2023 adds another layer of uncertainty. Squarespace’s acquisition includes all assets of Google Domains, positioning it as the exclusive provider for those acquiring domains through Google in the next three years. This extension of services encompasses the management of Google Workspace subscriptions.

While this shift impacts Google Cloud Domains, it’s essential to clarify that Google’s Cloud DNS and other cloud networking products remain unaffected. As the Squarespace deal reaches its finalization, your Google domain will seamlessly transfer to Squarespace without requiring any additional input from your end.

In contrast, critical services such as Google Domains’ email forwarding, domain forwarding, nameservers, and others will promptly cease functioning and necessitate activation by an alternative provider.

Post-transition, your domain management tools will shift to Squarespace, and the management of Google Workspace services will also fall under Squarespace’s purview. It’s crucial to highlight that you retain the flexibility to transfer your domain to any other registrar, providing you with options both before and after the impending changes take effect. This flexibility ensures that you can make informed decisions aligned with your specific needs and preferences during this transformative period.

Why Opt for AltusHost as Your Domain Registrar?

When considering a domain registrar, exploring options beyond Squarespace proves to be a prudent move, and AltusHost emerges as a compelling choice for several reasons.

Unified Dashboard Convenience:

AltusHost provides a seamless experience by offering a single, intuitive dashboard for both domain and hosting settings. This unified approach ensures easy access to all your essentials in one place. Affordability and Price Stability

Squarespace commits to honoring your current domain pricing for the next 12 months, but beyond that period, prices may experience an increase. Moreover, Squarespace’s domain pricing is relatively higher compared to alternative registrars. AltusHost, on the other hand, stands out for its affordability, providing users with cost-effective domain management solutions.

Comprehensive Perks of AltusHost Registration:

Registering your domain with AltusHost comes with a host of advantages, including:

  • Free Domain Transfer: Seamlessly move your domain to AltusHost without incurring any transfer fees, just your domain name renewal.
  • Diverse Domain Extensions: Choose from dozens of popular domain extensions to tailor your online identity.
  • Automatic Renewal: Safeguard your domain by enlisting automatic renewal options, linked to your credit card or PayPal account.
  • WHOIS Domain Privacy: Protect sensitive information with the option for WHOIS domain privacy, available as an extra layer of security.
  • 24/7 Expert Customer Support: Count on AltusHost’s round-the-clock expert customer support to address any issues promptly, ensuring a smooth experience.

Google Workspace Integration:

  • As a Google partner, AltusHost offers Google Workspace, enhancing your business productivity with collaborative tools and seamless integration. Learn more here.

To capitalize on these benefits and make a seamless transition, explore our knowledge base for a detailed guide on transferring your domain to AltusHost: AltusHost Knowledge Base

Make the switch to AltusHost — where ease of use, affordability, and comprehensive support converge to elevate your domain management experience.

Getting Ready for a Seamless Domain Transfer

Before embarking on the domain transfer journey, take a moment to ensure a smooth process with the following preparatory steps:

Check for Restrictions:

  • Be aware that certain restrictions may hinder the transfer of your domain to another registrar.
  • Some domain extensions may necessitate transfer authorization, so make sure you have the required permissions in place.

Resolve Pending Admin Actions:

  • If there’s an ongoing administrative action against your domain initiated by Google, it’s essential to address and resolve it before initiating the transfer.

Timing Matters:

  • Exercise caution when transferring your domain within 45 days after renewal. The ICANN auto-renew grace period policy may result in the potential loss of your renewal year.

Observe the 60-Day Lock Period:

  • If you’ve recently purchased or transferred your domain within the last 60 days, be patient. ICANN mandates a transfer lock during this period to ensure security and stability across the internet.
  • Now that you’ve taken these considerations into account, here’s the good news:

AltusHost Welcomes a Variety of Domain Extensions:

  • AltusHost is equipped to accept transfers for an array of domain extensions, including but not limited to:
    • .com
    • .org
    • .nl
    • .net
    • .biz
    • .eu
    • .co
    • .info
    • .shop

With these preparations in mind, you’re on your way to a hassle-free domain transfer to AltusHost. Should you have any questions or need further guidance during the process, our expert customer support team is here for you 24/7.

Step-by-step guide to assist you in transferring your domain from Google Domains to AltusHost:

Step 1: 

Step 2:

  • At the top left, click Menu Menu and then My domains
  • Now click on  Menu and then Registration settings from the menu

Step 3:

  • Under “Registered with Google Workspace,” is a domain lock box, unlock it, it should be say “Domain is unlocked”.
  • From the box “Transfer out,” click on Get authorization code.

Step 4:

  • Pop-up box appear “Transfer out domain to a different register
  • Copy EPP – authorization code 
  • DONE (with Google Domains)

Step 5:

  • Login to your AltusHost Account
  • Enter EPP Code

Step 6:

Full access to your domain/ domains dashboard with AltusHost 

Once the transfer process is complete, it’s crucial to ensure that everything transitions smoothly and your website operates seamlessly on AltusHost. Follow these steps:

Check Domain Status:

Verify Website Functionality:

  • Visit your website using the new domain on AltusHost to confirm that it is operational.
  • If you encounter any issues or your website is down, check and update the nameservers within AltusHost’s dashboard.

Manage DNS Records and Settings:

  • Explore AltusHost’s hosting provider dashboard to manage DNS records and other domain settings.
  • Ensure that your domain’s DNS records are correctly configured to guarantee proper functionality.
  • If you are using Google DNS nameservers, they will not work after the transfer, and it is necessary to change the nameservers first and then proceed with the transfer
  • For AltusHost web hosting packages, customers can find the nameservers in the email they received upon package purchase or by contacting customer support
  • For Reseller hosting, you have the flexibility to set up your custom nameservers. Follow this link for detailed instructions:

Consider Google Workspace Subscription:

  • This subscription provides access to Google’s productivity tools and an email matching your domain, seamlessly integrated into AltusHost’s dashboard.

Reach Out for Support:

  • If you encounter any challenges or have questions during this process, do not hesitate to contact AltusHost’s award-winning support team.
  • They are available to assist you and provide guidance, ensuring a smooth post-transfer experience.

Congratulations on successfully transferring your domain to AltusHost! Enjoy the enhanced features and support offered by AltusHost’s platform. If you need further assistance, their support team is just a message or call away.


With the upcoming changes to Google Domains, now is the ideal moment to make a proactive move. AltusHost stands out as a seamless and intuitive choice for transferring your domain. With an elegant control panel and a track record of satisfying over 10,000 clients worldwide since 2008, AltusHost ensures a smooth transition and continued excellence in web hosting services. Act now to experience the convenience and reliability AltusHost has to offer.

7 Essential Performance Features a High-Quality Host Should Have

Your website is the most important building block of your internet presence. Its performance, on the other hand, determines your online success. Fortunately, there’s something you can do to increase your chances of winning: Choose a high-performing web host!

The web hosting provider you choose determines how often you stay online and the time it takes to load information on your website. Thereby it affects user satisfaction and conversion rates.

Remember, the higher the performance metrics, the better the overall performance of your website. On the other hand, downtime and slow speeds are your worst enemies. But it doesn’t end there. 

Keep reading to explore the key performance features every high-quality web host should have.

Source: AltusHost

A 99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Uptime is perhaps the most critical performance feature for any web host. It refers to the consistency of your host’s server and how long it stays up and running. Web host servers are supposed to run 24/7 because anybody can visit any of the sites hosted on the servers anytime.

If your web host servers have 95% uptime, it means your website experiences a 72-minute downtime every day. This “short” window can lead to a significant loss of traffic and a general lack of trust in your website and brand. 

Ideally, a web host should have 100% uptime. However, maintenance, third-party integrations, human error, and other factors make it impossible for any server to achieve 100% uptime. So, the next best thing is 99.9%. 

Remember that any top-notch web host, including AltusHost, promises at least 99.9% uptime for its customers. So, don’t settle for less.

A 99.9% uptime guarantees that website servers only experience about 86.44 seconds of downtime daily: this network gap is undetectable, and visitors will always have a smooth user experience on your website.    


Superfast Server Response Time

Server response time, also known as Time to First Byte (TTFB), is the time it takes for a server to receive, process, and start sending data back in response to a request.

If a user wants to browse your website and it is taking forever to access, best believe they will bounce and may never return. Ideally, your server speed should be between 100ms to 200ms; the lower, the better. Studies show that for every 100-millisecond delay in website load times, there can be a 7% reduction in conversion rates. If your server response time is above 200ms, Google considers it slow.

Another vital part of the speed metric is the loading time. While server response time refers to the initial server response, loading time refers to how quickly content on web pages loads. The loading time of a website depends on the response time. A faster response time means a faster loading time.

Loading time should be between 1 to 3 seconds. Anything above that will result in a higher bounce rate and reduced traffic over time.     

Source: AltusHost

Scalable Bandwidth and Storage

Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transferred between a browser and a web server in a given time frame. It is usually measured in bits per second (kilobits, megabytes, gigabytes). 

When you start a new website, you don’t need much bandwidth because your traffic is minimal, and you have fewer monthly visitors at this level. However, as your website grows and monthly visitors increase, you need more bandwidth to maintain optimal performance

If you sign up for a shared hosting plan on most platforms, you get unlimited bandwidth. However, the term ‘unlimited’ in this context is somewhat misleading. Web hosts only label it so because other blogs/websites are hosted on the same servers, and the allotted bandwidth capacity is often enough to cater to all of them. 

Unlimited bandwidth is cheaper for both the web hosts and the website owners, which makes it appealing to new websites, personal blogs, and websites with minimal traffic. 

However, once a website starts attracting a substantial number of visitors—say around 10,000 per month—the concept of ‘unlimited’ bandwidth falls short. It then becomes imperative to upscale the bandwidth capacity. Thereby, it’s essential to choose a web host that offers scalable plans in terms of bandwidth to accommodate this growth. 

Here is where VPS or dedicated servers come into play. These hosting plans come with large, exclusive bandwidth capacity (up to 50TB monthly on AltusHost), so you can service your customers exclusively and avoid high-traffic timeout problems. 


Similarly, scalable SSD storage is equally important. As your website grows, you will need more storage space for your files, images, and databases. A scalable storage option allows your website to grow without worrying about running out of space, thus ensuring a smooth user experience.

24/7 Customer Support

Websites may occasionally experience downtime, plugin issues, security breaches, and similar performance issues. Fortunately, a high-end web host will solve these technical issues promptly and prevent traffic loss

Opt for a web hosting provider that can answer any questions about their operations and provide relevant help when needed. Moreover, strive towards a web host with different ways of providing customer support, including live chat, phone calls, email, knowledgebase, or ticket support.

Customers usually prefer live chat as it comes with 24/7 availability and ensures immediate assistance. At AltusHost, we offer live chat, ticketing, and phone call support; enough to meet anyone’s technical support needs. Feel free to get in touch with us for any concerns or inquiries!


Automatic Daily Backups

Automatic daily backups don’t affect your website performance directly. However, they ensure that you are right back where you left off if you ever lose important website files. Website files include your codebase, emails, content, and all other parts of your website. 

If your website crashes for any reason, and these files are not backed up, you lose your internet presence. You will have to start rebuilding again, and all your previous achievements and high website performance metrics will become irrelevant. 

Consider this: 68% of businesses that experience a data loss will go out of business within a year, and 93% within five years. That’s why a high-quality web host should guarantee your website’s long-term performance by automatically and consistently backing up its crucial files. When choosing a hosting provider, make sure they offer automatic daily backups as an integral part of their service to protect your investment and online success.


Wide Server Network & CDN

Server locations are also crucial to the performance of a website. The closer your website visitors are to the server, the faster the loading speed of your web pages. This is because there are lesser internet connections involved in the process, and browsers can receive data from the servers faster. 

Thereby, if your target website visitors are in a particular area, say Europe, for example, a web host with European data centers is a perfect choice. But what if you want to extend your reach to a global level? Here’s where a Content Delivery Network (CDN) comes into play. It allows you to target a global audience even if your origin server is not close. 


Extensive Security Features

A high-quality web host should come with extensive security features that protect your website from malware, phishing, cyberattacks, DDoS attacks, etc. 

One of the most important security features is the SSL certificate. SSL certificates secure your website by encrypting the data transferred between the server and the web browser. This prevents hackers from gaining access to information on the website, and it also allows users to trust your website more. 

On AltusHost, you can get advanced spam protection to help you secure your website from spam, virus, phishing, and malware attacks. This security feature enables you to save time by identifying spam and emails so you don’t compromise your website by interacting with them. Moreover, we include a free SSL in each of our hosting plans!


Your web hosting provider plays a pivotal role in your website’s success. It directly impacts your online presence, including uptime, loading speed, and security. The key performance metrics to consider include uptime guarantees, server response time, scalability, customer support, automatic backups, server network, and security features.

By choosing a high-quality host that excels in these aspects, such as AltusHost, you ensure your website is in safe hands, helping you achieve your online goals efficiently and effectively. Sign up with us!

How to Make Money from Reseller Hosting in 2024?

As an online entrepreneur with A+ marketing skills, your revenue and profits depend on what you sell and its utility to your customers. Web hosting is necessary and highly profitable business. The web hosting services market is projected to reach $183.63 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 15.1%.  And the best part is that you don’t need huge capital investments or any special technical skills to start. 

However, if you want to make massive profits from reseller hosting, you’ll have to scale through multiple bottlenecks and challenges to secure your place in this competitive industry. In this article, we will teach you how to gain an advantage using the right strategies and maximize profits.


What is Reseller Hosting, and How Does it Work?

Reseller hosting is a business model where online entrepreneurs/resellers purchase web hosting resources in bulk from established hosting providers and then sell them in units to other customers with a profit margin.

For example, you can buy a reseller hosting plan from AltusHost for €23.96/month and resell it to your customers at a profit. With white-label reseller hosting, you can also sell the services under your brand. You can set your business name, logo, and other details without crediting your web hosting provider. So, in the eyes of the customer, you will be the web host, while AltusHost handles the heavy work behind the scenes.


Thanks to reseller hosting, you can make money from web hosting without investing huge capital in infrastructure. All you need to do is apply the right strategies in your business and stay consistent. 

7 Strategies that Guarantee Success in Reseller Hosting

Reseller hosting is an easy business to start, which makes it attractive for many online entrepreneurs. If you don’t find a way to exceed your rivals, you’ll find it challenging to make money. 

Here are seven ways to help you gain a competitive advantage and maximize your reseller hosting profits.

Choose a Reliable Reseller Hosting Provider

The first step to making money from reseller hosting is picking the right web hosting provider. As the reseller, you don’t own any hosting equipment. Instead, your web host manages and maintains the web hosting infrastructure, meaning the quality of your services depends on the company you choose

Your web hosting provider should have a stable and secure network infrastructure, sufficient bandwidth capacity, a 99.9% uptime guarantee, adequate SSD storage space, and superfast server response time. More importantly, the reseller hosting plans should be scalable. As your business grows and customers increase, you’ll need more web hosting capacity to handle your demand. So, make sure you can easily upgrade your reseller hosting plan.

Moreover, opt for 24/7 technical support. If things go wrong, you should be able to rely on your web host to take care of things and prevent downtime or latency. Otherwise, technical issues can cost you your customers and profitability.

A reliable web hosting provider will enhance your brand image. As a white-label reseller, customers engage with your brand directly without knowing who the actual web hosting provider is. So, if they have a terrible experience, you’ll be the one to blame, and vice versa.

At AltusHost, you’ll benefit from a 99.9% network uptime commitment, high-quality hardware, a free migration service, 24/7 technical support, and a money-back guarantee, among other things.


Pick a Niche and Build Authority Online

The fastest way to sell web hosting services is to your existing clients. For example, if you are a web developer or designer, you can sell hosting services to your customer base and others in your network. These clients are familiar with you and will trust your web hosting brand. 

If you don’t have a network of potential customers, you can build one by niching down and building a reputable brand. For example, you can focus on a specific industry or type of client, such as local businesses, non-profits, or e-commerce stores, and position your hosting services as specifically catered to their needs. 

To build a reputable brand, provide outstanding customer service, share valuable content related to website management and maintenance, and proactively address potential hosting issues. As your reputation grows, word-of-mouth referrals can also significantly boost your customer base. You can further expand your reach by collaborating with other businesses and professionals in your niche.

Utilize Multiple Customer Acquisition Methods

Picking a niche is a great start. However, you’ll need more than that to generate massive revenue from your reseller hosting business. You also need to actively search and hunt for customers. 

The most effective client acquisition methods include the following:

  • SEO Campaign: Create content around web hosting and other hot topics in your industry. An effective SEO campaign will attract organic buyers to your reseller hosting business. For instance, you can create content for people looking to start a blog, build an online store, or create a SaaS solution.
    Paid Ads: Once you establish your unique hosting offer, you can run paid ads on Facebook and Google platforms so potential customers can find you faster. However, paid ads are expensive to sustain, so ensure your budget accommodates this marketing cost.  
  • Social Media: Leverage social media to display content that will appeal to your audience, such as short-form videos, infographics, and other relevant information. You can sell web hosting services more efficiently by growing an engaged audience, increasing your traffic, and gaining enough followers on social media platforms.
  • Influencer Marketing: You can also use influencer marketing to reach a wider audience. Pay a few influencers in your industry or exchange services to form successful partnerships.
  • Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Collate positive reviews and testimonials from your current clients and display them on your site. If one customer is satisfied with your service, chances are the next customer will be too. This is called social proof, and it makes people trust your hosting brand faster. 
  • Free Trials: Customers love free stuff, and nothing is more exciting than a free trial for a product you hope to buy. Offer your potential customers a free trial on your hosting services (at least seven days). If they like it, they will purchase your hosting services. 
  • Cold Outreach: This marketing strategy is quite tricky to execute, but it yields results with time. You’ll need to find the social media handles and emails of your potential customers and send them messages about your brand and web hosting offer. LinkedIn is the best social media platform for cold outreach.


Ensure Your Website Is User-Friendly

If you successfully attract potential customers to your website, that’s a big win. However, you need to keep them there to turn your traffic into conversions. Your website must be user-friendly, appealing, and easy to navigate if you hope to keep your visitors engaged. Studies have shown that websites with a user-friendly design experience an average 40% higher conversion rate and 15% more unique clicks. After all, your potential customers will judge your reseller hosting brand based on their experience on your website.  From their perspective, they are observing what they stand to gain or lose if they buy hosting services from you. 

Ensure that they enjoy browsing through your website and make it easy for them to sign up by requesting their email on your landing page. Some customers are not ready to buy immediately, and you need to keep them engaged through email marketing. This makes it easier to follow up on your leads and convince them to buy your hosting services later. 

Upsell and Cross-Sell Services

Once you establish a customer base, it’s time to start upselling and cross-selling. Research reveals that upselling and cross-selling can increase revenue by up to 30%, making them essential strategies for reseller hosting businesses.

If your clients have a basic hosting package, you could upsell them to a premium package with increased capacity, faster speeds, or additional security features. 

Cross-selling involves offering complementary services. For instance, if you are a web designer, you can offer to build a new website interface for their brand. As a digital marketer, you can also promote your copywriting or video editing services, and so on.

Mastering the art of upselling and cross-selling not only increases your income but also provides more comprehensive solutions to your reseller hosting clients, increasing their satisfaction and loyalty to your brand.

Offer Exquisite Customer Support

Customer support is one of the best ways to distinguish yourself from competitors, impress your customers, and make more money all at once. So, prioritize rapid response times to customer inquiries and ensure problems are swiftly resolved.

High-quality support not only increases customer satisfaction but also encourages referrals, growing your client base and boosting your earnings.


Set Competitive Rates

The reseller hosting business is competitive. So, if you want to get a bigger pie of the market, you must put competitive price tags on your plans. Don’t opt for cheaper or more expensive. Instead, focus on the value for money you are delivering. 

Customers will openly accept a higher price if they perceive that they receive superior quality, security, or customer support. So, analyze your market, understand the value you bring to your clients, and set your rates accordingly. 

Remember, it’s not just about being the cheapest but providing a balance of cost and quality that justifies your rates.


In the ever-evolving world of online business, web hosting stands out as a necessary and highly lucrative venture. The web hosting industry is expected to reach $183.63 billion by 2028, offering ample opportunities for those looking to capitalize on it. The beauty of reseller hosting is that it requires minimal upfront investment and no specialized technical skills, making it accessible to a wide range of entrepreneurs.

While the potential rewards are substantial, navigating the competitive world of reseller hosting requires the right strategies. This guide has outlined seven key strategies to help you gain a competitive edge and maximize your profits. It begins with selecting a reliable reseller hosting provider, and AltusHost stands out as an excellent choice, offering a stable infrastructure and 24/7 technical support to ensure your customers receive top-notch service.

Next, consider finding your niche or target audience to establish trust and credibility. Effective customer acquisition methods, including SEO, paid advertising, social media, influencer partnerships, customer reviews, free trials, and even cold outreach, can help you grow your customer base. Your website plays a pivotal role, so ensure it’s user-friendly and optimized for conversions.Once you’ve built your clientele, focus on upselling and cross-selling to increase revenue while delivering more value to your customers. Exceptional customer support and competitive pricing, coupled with AltusHost’s reseller hosting plans, further enhance your offering. In conclusion, reseller hosting is a path to passive income that’s within reach for web developers, designers, agencies, and entrepreneurs. With the right strategies and a reseller hosting plan from AltusHost, you can embark on this journey to profitability in the exciting world of web hosting.

Effective SEO Techniques to Boost Your Online Business in 2024

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing your website visibility by ranking higher on search engine result pages (SERP). Without effective SEO, your website will rank lower on SERPs, which means less traffic and fewer conversions. 

Your goal is to improve your website’s visibility by ranking higher on SERPs for relevant keywords to corner a large portion of the market to your website. To do this, you need to apply SEO techniques to your website content. So, the question is, which SEO techniques work best, delivering optimal results for minimal input?

We took the time to compile some of the best SEO tips, so you can start using them today. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!


Get Your Core Web Vitals Right

Google uses a set of metrics called Core Web Vitals to measure the real-world user experience of website visitors. These metrics measure the loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability of your web pages to determine how well customers enjoy being on your website. If you want to rank higher on SERPs, you need good core web vitals.

The three core web vitals metrics include the following: 

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): LCP calculates the loading performance. If your LCP occurs in the first 2.5 seconds of your page load, it means you have a good score.
  • First Input Delay (FID): FID measures interactivity. The ideal FID should be less than 100 milliseconds to give your users a pleasant experience.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): CLS measures visual stability, and you should aim for a score of less than 0.1 for a good user experience. 

If your website’s core web vitals are good, Google will send more traffic your way, which means more customers for your online business. To check your core web vitals, you can use tools like PageSpeed Insights and Search Console from Google.

Yet, remember that optimizing these metrics often involves a technical understanding of how web pages are built and served, meaning you might need external support for your server setup – a web developer or managed web hosting provider.

Prioritize “Top-of Funnel” ToFu Keywords

The customer funnel system helps you interact with customers at different stages of the purchase journey. The top-of-funnel (ToFu) is when the customer becomes aware of the product/service and their need for it. By targeting ToFu keywords, you are attracting customers at the beginning of their purchase journey, and you can easily guide them into buying from you.

The goal at this stage is not immediate conversion but building awareness, establishing credibility, and nurturing relationships that could lead to conversions down the line. While ToFu keywords are valuable for generating traffic and awareness, a balanced SEO strategy should also consider MoFu (middle-of-funnel) and BoFu (bottom-of-funnel) keywords

MoFu keywords can help you target users in the consideration phase, while BoFu keywords aim to capture users ready to purchase. For example, if the keyword is web host, ToFu keyword variations will include ‘Web Hosting Reviews,’ ‘Shared Hosting vs. VPS Hosting,’ and so on. 

MoFu keyword variations may include ‘Web Hosting Pricing,’ ‘Best Hosting Plan for Small Blogs,’ and others. BoFu keywords will consist of ‘Buy Shared Hosting Plan’ and ‘Where to Buy White Label Hosting,’ among others.   

Marketing business sales funnel, high conversion, vector illustration. Cone icon, cash flow financial chart. Client search through media, internet. Digital technologies for attracting customers.


Improve Your Website Performance

Many factors affect your website performance, and some of them include uptime, server response time, and loading time. First, uptime refers to how consistently your website stays online. Next, server response time is the number of seconds it takes to transfer information from the host’s server to your visitor’s browser. Finally, loading time refers to how quickly your web pages load.

If your website visitors experience unreliable uptime, slow server response time, and extended loading time too often, they will bounce and may not return. A one-second delay in page loading time can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. In turn, high bounce rates can lower your SERP rankings, affecting your overall SEO efforts. So, how can you prevent this from happening?

Your web host is responsible for these metrics on your website. So, the simplest solution is to get a high-quality provider. For instance, at AltusHost, we offer a 99.9% network uptime guarantee on all services, including the cheapest shared hosting plans up to the most powerful dedicated servers. Moreover, you’ll benefit from high-quality hardware for lightning-fast speeds on your site.


Optimize for Voice Search

Thanks to voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google, customers now search for locations, businesses, products, and other stuff through voice. If your website is not optimized for these searches, you may lose out on potential customers. Voice searches are expected to account for 50% of all online searches by 2024.

One of the ways you can optimize for voice search is by prioritizing local SEO. People using voice search often look for local businesses or services, so try to include landmarks and locations around your business area in your content. Also, adding phrases like ‘near me’ and ‘around [city]’ in your meta description tags can be beneficial.

Voice searches are usually more conversational and often come in the form of complete questions. So, another effective strategy is to add more FAQs to your content. For example, a prospective customer is likelier to say, ‘Hey Alexa, where can I get the best coffee in New York’? than ‘Alexa, best coffee in New York .’People ask questions on voice searches, and your content should be there to answer them. Use your SEO knowledge to find the right FAQs for your online business and optimize for voice search.

Focus on Increasing Your E-E-A-T Score

E-E-A-T stands for experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trust. If you want to run a successful online business, your blog pieces need to meet these quality standards. Websites with high E-A-T scores are more likely to rank higher on Google. In fact, 60% of websites that rank in the top three positions have excellent E-A-T scores.

Customers want to see that you are an expert on the product or service you are selling. They also want to be able to learn from your wealth of experience regarding issues in your industry. Meeting these requirements means they can trust you more, and you begin to stand out as an authority in your business niche. 

Your E-E-A-T is a huge part of your page quality. Even though you may not be an expert on every blog topic you publish on your website, ensure you get your ideas and major talking points from professionals. 

Google uses a variety of signals to assess these qualities, including search raters’ evaluations, so focusing on these aspects of your content and SEO strategy can potentially improve your visibility in search results.

Explore Multiple Media Content

Using media content across your blog posts can give you a better online presence and lead to increased revenue. Visual and audio content makes your blog posts more appealing and gives readers a break from boring texts. They also help visitors stay longer on your blog piece, which tells Google that your content is valuable. In return, they will give you better SERP rankings and direct more business to your website. 

However, multimedia content is not limited to images and infographics. It also includes short-form videos, audio files, GIFs, etc. Visual and audio content gives visitors a memorable user experience, and they are likely to visit your website again and engage with a sales representative. 


As we approach the close of 2023 and anticipate the dawn of a new year, the digital landscape remains in a perpetual state of change. In this fiercely competitive realm of online business, the success of your website hinges on two critical pillars: visibility and performance. SEO remains the guiding star of your digital voyage, as crucial as ever. Yet, the bedrock upon which your SEO strategy is built has never been more crucial.

The choice of your web hosting provider forms the very foundation of your SEO success story. Factors such as server response time, uptime, and loading speed are not mere technicalities but the bedrock upon which your SEO strategy is built.

At AltusHost, we offer more than just hosting; we provide the robust infrastructure that propels your SEO endeavors to new heights. As we prepare to embark on the journey into 2024, our commitment to a solid 99.9% network uptime guarantee and lightning-fast speeds across all our service tiers remains unwavering.

In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, remember that success is not a solitary endeavor. It’s a multi-faceted journey. By integrating AltusHost’s top-tier hosting into your SEO strategy and staying at the forefront of SEO trends, you’re poised to shine brighter, climb the rankings faster, and, ultimately, steer your online business toward unparalleled success in the coming year.

Elevate your SEO game with AltusHost and illuminate your path to online success as we usher in 2024.