5 Steps to Writing an Email Copy That Converts | AltusHost

5 Steps to Writing an Email Copy That Converts

5 Steps to Writing an Email Copy That Converts

  • Category : Marketing
  • Posted on : Aug 24, 2016
  • By : AltusHost
Altus Host

One of the most effective marketing channels that can bring conversions and enrich businesses with a lot more connections is email marketing. However, if not done properly, it can only lead to wasted efforts and emails that do not even get opened and read.

How can you get your subscribers to open your emails and actually make a purchase? The key is to write an email copy that will entice and engage your email participants and make them really want to check out your offer and decide to buy your products or hire your services. Your email copy is exactly what will determine the success or failure of your email marketing campaign.

When you are a newbie, it can certainly seem a bit confusing and perhaps even a difficult thing to do, but it is actually quite easily achievable. The most important thing to remember is to address your email recipients as humans, instead of a faceless brand. You need to make sure you don’t come out as a robot, but as a professional who cares about the customers and wants to address their pain points in order to solve their problems and satisfy their needs.

Perhaps, at this point, you think this is easier said than done, but all you have to do is really think like your customers and you will know exactly what to do and what not to do. You need to be able to resonate with their needs before you hit the “send” button and, before you know it, it will become second nature to you.

Here are the most important steps you need to take in order to write an email copy that will not only get opened and read, but that will also convert and help you increase your sales and your ROI.

Write for Your Recipients

When writing an email copy, the key is to write with your email recipients in mind. You need to know exactly what their needs and preferences are, so that you can know which direction to take when trying to present them with your offer.

You need to segment your, because that is what will help you increase your conversions. Segmented emails result in 50% higher click-through rates than those that are not, so you need to make this your top priority in order to effectively target your email copy.

Make sure you provide information in your email copy that will answer all of the potential questions your recipients might have, including why they should engage in your brand and how it will benefit them. Don’t write simply about your brand and your products or services, but write about what your customers are interested in and what they need in order to be engaged in a brand. Learn about their end goals and provide them with a perfect solution to their problems.

When you write for them, instead of only for your benefit, you will get a lot higher CTRs and generate more revenue for your business.

Write a Killer Subject Line

Your customers are certainly receiving dozens of emails every single day, so how can you get them to open yours? The answer is your subject line. Namely, 35% of email recipients open emails based on the subject line, so you must put some effort into making it as attention-grabbing as possible.

Therefore, your subject line needs to capture their attention and invite them to open you email and find out more about your offer. It needs to be clear and concise and it needs to address your customers’ needs, because that is exactly what will make them open your email. After all, that is the point of your subject line – to get your recipients to open your email.

For instance, if you’re presenting your customers with particular diet tips, your subject line may be “Eat the Cake and Lose the Weight”, as it will definitely get their attention and incite them to actually open the email. If you’re running an ecommerce business and want to share information about your new discounts, you can write a subject line such as “Get 30% off on Your Favorite Shoes”, as you will certainly attract your segments and make them want to check out your offer and actually make a purchase.

Match Your Subject Line with Your Email Copy

Your subject line and the text of your email copy must match, because you must ensure that what you promise in the subject like gets delivered in the content of your email copy. Otherwise, you will definitely not succeed in receiving higher click-through rates and increasing your sales. Yes, people will open the email due to a catchy subject line, but what’s the point if that does not result in more conversions?

Therefore, your subject line must be consistent with the content of your email copy, because not only will you convert your email recipients into customers, but you will also build trust with them. If you show that you are trustworthy, you will certainly drive traffic further into your sales funnel and, what’s more, your targeted segments will not unsubscribe or mark your emails as spam.

Optimize Your Email for Skimmers


Whether you want to admit it or not, the truth of the matter is that most people don’t read emails, but just simply skim through. This is nothing new or unusual, because in today’s information overloaded world, people tend to receive a lot of spam emails that they are not interested in.

This is why you need to format your email copy in a way that enables it to grab the attention of the skimmers in less than 5 seconds. You will successfully accomplish that by keeping your sentences short and simple and, more importantly, making your points bolded and bulleted.

That way, your email copy will be easier to skim through and you will succeed not only in making your recipients read your email, but also in converting them.

Use a Compelling Call-to-Action


A compelling call-to-action can really motivate your email recipients to click on your offer and find out more about it. Your CTA needs to be simple and easy to understand, but it also needs to be enticing and engaging in order for your segments to take the action you want them to take.

The most effective way to drive more conversions with the use of a call-to-action is to use verbs, such as “sign up”, “order”, “get” and “buy”, as those create urgency and motivate people to take certain action. You can drive even more conversions by adding words such as “free” or “customized”, as that will instantly grab the attention of your readers and make them want to click through.


By following these steps, you will certainly succeed in creating an email copy that converts your segments into quality leads and further converts those leads into actual customers, thus eventually increasing your sales and generating more revenue.

However, don’t forget the most important part – always test your emails and analyze the results in order to have an insight into the performance of your every email copy, as that will help you optimize your email copies and always improve upon your conversions.

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