3 Easy Ways to Recieve Great Feedback from Your Blog's Audience | AltusHost

3 Easy Ways to Recieve Great Feedback from Your Blog’s Audience

3 Easy Ways to Recieve Great Feedback from Your Blog’s Audience

  • Category : Marketing
  • Posted on : May 23, 2016
  • By : AltusHost
Altus Host

Running a blog is a very interesting hobby for many people around the globe. Attracting an audience is something that takes a lot of time, but this is not the only task you should be aiming for, it is equally important to make people interact with you. Acquiring feedback is as important as creating new content, in fact, feedback is there to guide you towards creating better content for your audience. There are few easy ways to do this from the moment you start running your blog.

Content Type


Be careful with viral content

This is first step you should take if you want to create an engaging post. Creating a post with quality information is a good foundation for your blog, but it is not enough; you have to remember that your content is being read by a real person. So, depending on the niche of your blog, you can insert some engaging sentences that are going to get people to engage with your content and reply to your thoughts.

For example, if you are reviewing a product and stating your opinion about it, a good idea to increase feedback is to ask for other people’s experience with the product you are writing about. On the other hand, if you are writing on a specific topic, e.g. about a certain event or experience in life, form a general question at the end of the content to let other people know that you want to hear their opinion on the subject matter.

These little things will turn your informative content into inquisitive, shareable content, where people will appreciate your view on a certain matter, as well as share what they think about it. It is a perfect way of increasing traffic to your blog. Once there are several posts, other people will join in with the discussion.

Create a Specific Page for Engagement


This is an important part of creating more engagement. Many people create some sort of contact pages, but they are not as effective as they should be. The point is not only to create a contact page, but to let the people know who you are. Being straightforward and honest is very important when it comes to reaching out to people and asking something of them.

So the specific contact page should include some information about who you are and what your story is. This will let people relate to you in a way. Additionally, it is important to tell the people who are on that page what you want from them. Create a call to action, asking people to give you their opinion about your content, what you might do to improve it and what type of content they would like you to create. This is a perfect way of directly staying in touch with your visitors.

Of course, creating a page like this is the perfect start, however, the page is no good if there is no one on it. Try including links in posts that will point to this page so people get to know more about you and reach out to you. This is the perfect way of acquiring great feedback about your blog and how you can improve your content.

Be Polite and Answer Regularly


Always Treat Your Customer With Respect

Well, many people start a blog and they get focused on creating as much content as possible, however, the majority tend to forget that they should connect with their audience. Replying to comments on a post is very important. You are proving to your readers that you care about their opinion and that you want to reach out to them. This is going to make the visitor come back to your website, as they can expect a prompt reply from you on your blog. They are going to feel that their opinion matters.

It is not only important to reply regularly to your visitors’ comments, it is also important to be polite and thank people for their feedback. More importantly, when a user leaves a negative comment, take it like a constructive criticism and thank them for that type of feedback as well. This will show how professional you are and that people can also reach out in cases when they do not like something. This is the perfect way of retaining visitors or customers and growing the amount of people who are regularly reading your blog.

All these steps are pretty easy to take and they offer a very big benefit for your blog. In time, the more engagement and feedback you receive, the better the quality of your content is going to be. Most importantly, you are going to establish a strong community; the bigger the community that loves your blog, the more brand ambassadors you are going to have. This is the perfect way of securing the stable growth of your blog.

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